The BC Address Geocoder is a REST web service that can be used to resolve the physical locations (i.e., latitude and longitude) and correct, standardized form of civic and non-civic addresses in British Columbia.

For more information about this service see the BC Address Geocoder webpage.

The BC Address Geocoder service can be used to resolve the physical locations (i.e., latitude and longitude) and correct, standardized form of civic and non-civic addresses in British Columbia. Access to the service is through:

  1. The REST API: see the BC Address Geocoder Developer Guide
  2. Batch Geocoding:

If you have questions about accessing the geocoder service, please open a ticket with the Data Systems & Services request system.

Ministry and Broader Public Sector (BPS) can contribute their own data for the geocoder to reference by publishing to the BC Geographic Warehouse: i.e., the Geographic Sites Registry (GSR) - once published in this set of data, the locations automatically get used in the Geocoder.