When data is published to the BCGW, it must undergo a rigorous and standardized publication process to ensure adherence to government data standards for quality and consistency. DataBC has well documented Data Standards and Guidelines that are followed throughout the process for data publication.

The workflows described below will guide you through what your responsibilities are as the client and how we work with you to load and publish your dataset in the BCGW.

This page is written in the context that you have reviewed the documentation as listed below.

Data Publishers Business Analysts Business Portfolio Managers Application Administrators

Table of Contents


The first step in the process is to review the following documentation:


Wondering if your data is ready for publishing in the BCGW, or what else you need to do to prepare for the publication process? There are some considerations you’ll need to think about and have ready to discuss with DataBC before you initate a request to publish your data.

Review the key questions below and be ready to discuss with DataBC before you initate a request to publish your data.

Question Notes
Have you read and do you understand the information provided in the Documentation Review section? Please open a ticket with the Data Systems & Services request system if you have additional questions not addressed in our documentation.
Has the Data Custodian approved the publication of this dataset for your business area?  
Is the source data in a production state and ready for publishing? Not sure? See: Data Preparation Consultation
Have you completed the Dataset Model file? The Dataset Model describes your source data structure (fields, data type, data length, column comments).
For spatial datsets: Do you have GIS staff available to support QA/QC and the creation of layer files? For business areas without GIS support, this service can be provided by DataBC.
Do you have a Data Manager identified who will be responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the source data? Must be in place prior to initiating a data publicaiton request.
Are there specific security needs that will need to be configured for access to the data (other than government or public access)?  
Does your business area have a presence in the BC Data Catalogue? If not, DataBC can set this up for you with approval from the Data Custodian.
Does your business area have a defined BC Data Catalogue editor that will create and maintain the metadata throughout its lifecycle? If not, DataBC can configure a new editor(s) with approval from the Data Custodian.
How will your data be licensed when published? See Licences
Are there time constraints that will have an impact on the publication date for the data (tied to legislation or software releases)?  



If you require additional support to prepare your source data for publication, please open a ticket with the Data Systems & Services request system.


Ready to publish your data? Please open a ticket with the Data Systems & Services request system

What to expect next?

Request Confirmation

Once you have submitted a request for data publication, DataBC will send you a confirmation of your request, usually within a few business days.

Data Publication Workflow

The following illustration shows the steps in the data publication process: Steps for publishing data in the warehouse


Discovery Whiteboard

Discussion in this session will focus on:

  1. Reviewing your request to share data
  2. Reviewing the questions in Data Publication - Am I Ready?
  3. Describing the Data Publication Workflow
  4. Reviewing the Dataset Model
  5. How DataBC will access your source data
  6. Scheduling the Technical Whiteboard meeting


Technical Whiteboard

Discussion in this session will focus on:

  1. Review of the Dataset Model and source data
  2. Finalizing the Dataset Model, including structure and field descriptions
  3. Security model for the database
  4. Security for iMapBC and Data Distribution, as applicable
  5. Replication mechanism frequency
  6. Scheduling the Delivery Deployment meeting


Delivery Deployment

Discussion in this session will focus on:

  1. Reviewing the data and access configurations in BCGW Delivery with the client
  2. Issues with data or access configuration, or a related map application will be addressed
    1. If simple modifications are required, DataBC will apply these during this session.
  3. Modifications to the data model based on the review
  4. Layer file presentation creation (if applicable)
  5. Data Licencing
  6. BC Data Catalogue metadata record creation
  7. Client approval for migration to BCGW Test
  8. Scheduling the Test Deployment meeting


Test Deployment

Discussion in this session will focus on:

  1. Reviewing the data and access configurations in BCGW Test with the client
  2. Issues with data or access configuration, or a related map application will be addressed
    1. If modifications are required, DataBC will apply these to the Delivery environment outside of this session.
  3. Reviewing layer file presentations in iMapBC Test (where applicable)
  4. Reviewing an updated DataBC hosted map application in Test with the client (where applicable)
    1. Modifications to a related map application will be addressed
  5. Reviewing Draft BC Data Catalogue record(s)
  6. Client approval for migration to BCGW Prod
  7. Scheduling the Production Deployment meeting


Production Deployment

Discussion in this session will focus on:

  1. Reviewing the data and security configurations in BCGW Production with the client
  2. Issues with data or access configuration, or a related map application will be addressed
    1. If modifications are required, DataBC will apply these to the Delivery and Test environments outside of this session.
  3. Reviewing layer file presentations in iMapBC Production and the Layer Library (where applicable)
  4. Reviewing and publishing the BC Data Catalogue record
  5. Reviewing an updated DataBC hosted map application in Test with the client (where applicable)
    1. Modifications to a related map application will be addressed
  6. Client accepts production deployments
  7. Scheduling the Project Review meeting


Project Review

Discussion in this session will focus on:

  1. Client feedback on the project
  2. Managing your data and metadata thoguhout its lifecycle.


Do you still have questions for DataBC about the data publication process? If so, please open a ticket with the Data Systems & Services request system