Standards make it easier to create, share, and integrate data by making sure that there is a clear understanding of how the data are represented and that the data you receive are in a form that you expect.

This page presents general standards, guidelines and best practices when providing data, spatial or otherwise in:

  • the BC Geographic Warehouse (BCGW).
  • the BC Data Catalogue (BCDC).
  • the DataBC Data Modelling tool (currently Oracle Designer).
Data Publishers Data Modellers Developers DataBC Data Modellers DataBC Catalogue Team

Table of Contents


The following Oracle data types and their associated precision are supported for use in the BC Geographic Warehouse:

Data Type Use Example Column
BLOB Supported just for the SE_ANNO_CAD_DATA column. SE_ANNO_CAD_DATA
CHAR(n) Strings where the length is constant and can contain just single-byte characters or numeric digits. CENSUS_SUBDIVISION_ID
DATE Dates and dates with time. For details on storing and displaying dates and times, see the Government of British Columbia IM/IT Date and Time Standard (PDF). Time zones: Whenever possible, explain in the field description the time zone used for a date-time field. WHEN_CREATED
NUMBER(10) Integers that are no larger than one billion. FISH_FPHO_SYSID
NUMBER(38) OBJECTID and integers that can be larger than one billion. OBJECTID
NUMBER(n,d) Non-integer (fractional) numbers. FEATURE_AREA_SQM
SDO_GEOMETRY Spatial geometry SHAPE,
GEOMETRY (deprecated) See Shape (Geometry) Column Name below
VARCHAR2(n) or VARCHAR2(n BYTE) Variable length strings, or fixed-length strings that can contain multibyte characters. n should be large enough to accommodate the maximum possible length of the value being modelled. DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2(n CHAR) Variable length character strings, or fixed-length character strings that can contain multibyte characters. Can be used in cases where a length limit is known but where the string might contain multibyte characters. n should be large enough to accommodate the maximum possible length of the value being modelled. GENERAL_COMMENTS


This section describes the DataBC standards that apply when storing spatial data in the BC Geographic Warehouse.

Geometry Type and Content

All spatial tables in the BC Geographic Warehouse will store geometry using the Oracle Spatial Data Option (SDO) MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY object type.

The following SDO_GTYPE values for SDO_GEOMETRY objects are supported:

SDO GTYPE Value Corresponding ArcGIS Geometry Type Description
DL01 POINT Single point per feature
DL02 or DL06 LINE Two or more points connected into a line; possibly multiple lines per feature
DL03 or DL07 POLYGON Three or more points connected into a line; possibly multiple lines per feature
DL05 MULTIPOINT More than one disconnected point per feature

All features in an Oracle table or view must have the same ArcGIS geometry type.

The maximum number of vertices in any SDO_GEOMETRY object is:

Type of geometry Maximum number of vertices
Two dimensions (latitude/longitude or northing/easting (Y/X)) 524,288
Three dimensions (Y/X plus height or measure) 349,525
Four dimensions (Y/X plus height and measure) 262,144

Spatial Reference IDs (SRID)

The following two EPSG Spatial Reference ID (SRID) values are supported for spatial datasets stored in the BC Geographic Warehouse:

SRID value Description Use Link
3005 NAD 83 / BC Albers Datasets with coordinates falling into the following ranges (approximately the extents of BC) when projected to SRID 3005:
X (easting): 0 to 2,000,000
Y (northing): 0 to 2,000,000
4326 WGS 84 - World Geodetic System 1984 (longitude/latitude) Datasets that extend far beyond the borders of BC

Note that ArcGIS maintains its own set of SRID values, one for each distinct combination of the EPSG SRID, the number of dimensions, and the resolution and tolerance values. These values may change over time and must not be referenced directly.


All tables and views containing a spatial column must be registered with the geodatabase.

Tables and Views Containing Spatial Column

All tables and views containing a spatial column must have a corresponding entry in the owner schema’s USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table.

Note that the process of registering a table or view with the geodatabase automatically creates a row for that table or view. Similarly, dropping a table or view in ArcCatalog removes the row.

Resolution and Tolerance

When registering a table or view with the geodatabase, the default XY Resolution value (.0001) must be used.

When registering a table or view with the geodatabase, the default XY Tolerance value (.001) must be used.

Shape (Geometry) Column Name

The standard column name for spatial geometry is SHAPE. Under some circumstances GEOMETRY can be used instead.

ObjectID Column Name

The standard column for a spatial table or view’s ObjectID column is OBJECTID.

Supporting Columns and Triggers

In addition to SHAPE and OBJECTID, all spatial tables and views will have additional columns as noted in the table below:

COLUMN_NAME Data Type/Precision Use
FEATURE_LENGTH_M NUMBER(19,4) Contains the length in metres of a linear feature or the perimeter of a polygonal feature. Not used for POINT or MULTIPOINT datasets.
FEATURE_AREA_SQM NUMBER(19,4) Contains the area in square meters of a polygonal feature. Not used for LINE, POINT, or MULTIPOINT datasets.
SE_ANNO_CAD_DATA BLOB Reserved for storing complex curve parameters. Note that storage of complex curve information is not supported in the BCGW; however, this column must still be present.

FEATURE_LENGTH_M and FEATURE_AREA_SQM are populated by database triggers of the form

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER <schema_name>.<container_name>_<table_short_name>_IU_TRG" 
          BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON <schema>.<table_name>
    :new.FEATURE_LENGTH_M := sdo_geom.sdo_length(:new.<geometry_column_name>,.001); 

for line feature tables, and

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER <schema_name>.<container_name>_<table_short_name>_IU_TRG" 
          BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON <schema>.<table_name>
    :new.FEATURE_AREA_SQM := sdo_geom.sdo_area(:new.<geometry_column_name>,.001); 
    :new.FEATURE_LENGTH_M := sdo_geom.sdo_length(:new.<geometry_column_name>,.001); 

for polygonal feature tables.

See Naming and Describing Standards for definitions of container_name and table_short_name.

Column Order

The following columns, if present, appear in the following order, as the last columns in the table or view.

Column Name



In order to make regular data ETL go smoothly and to avoid partially truncated tables we have to make the assumption that data integrity is guaranteed on the source system. Hence the only enabled database constraints should be the ones that are required for proper behaviour of the BC Geographic Warehouse access tools (e.g., iMapBC, ArcGIS Desktop, WMS, WFS, Data Download).

  • Every table and materialized view must have a primary key constraint guaranteeing uniqueness/not NULL-ness of the natural primary key (e.g., MAP_TILE in WHSE_BASEMAPPING.BCGS_10K_GRID) or the surrogate primary key (e.g., NRC_RD1M_SYSID in WHSE_BASEMAPPING.NRC_ROADS_1M_SP)
  • Every table and materialized view must have a NOT NULL constraint on the OBJECTID column.
  • Other constraints (FOREIGN KEY, CHECK, UNIQUE, NOT NULL) are encouraged as a way of documenting relationships and other properties, but if present they must be disabled.


  • All Spatial columns must be present as the last columns in the view, or materialized view, and appear in the order shown above.
  • The primary key column must be the first column in the table.
  • If the natural key for a table or materialized view is composite, a single column surrogate primary key must be defined.
    • It must be the first column in the table or materialized view.


An indicator field is a binary (boolean) field, usually indicating the presence or absence of some property. If a field is an indicator field, the field name must be suffixed by _IND.

` _IND`

The description will contain the values the indicator represents, as illustrated in the following example:

Example: Indicates whether a boundary is of low confidence due to its BOUNDARY_MAP_SOURCE, i.e., Y (true), N (false).

Values of indicator columns should be consistent thought out a model. For example, do not use ‘T’/’F’ for some columns and ‘Y’/’N’ for others.


Code tables are recommended for columns whose values do not fully describe the data in an operational data model. Examples of this are where a column has a value of 23, or A, or Ts1 with no associated indication of what those codes mean.

If the codes themselves are names or abbreviations that are not abstract, then code tables are not needed. However, an example list providing the majority of the code values must be supplied within the column comment.


It’s not uncommon in some systems for data is missing or data is unknown situations to be coded with some dummy real value to flag that the actual data is missing, e.g., all 9s, -1, etc.

This can lead to confusion. In the BCGW these situations should be signified by leaving the values NULL.

NULL should be the value stored in database table fields in cases where the actual value is missing or unknown, since this is the interpretation followed by Oracle SQL:

  1. Aggregate functions (e.g. MAX, MIN, COUNT) applied to an expression will ignore rows where the expression has a NULL value
  2. The only exceptions to above are COUNT(*) and GROUP BY
    • COUNT(*) includes all rows, regardless of whether they have nulls.
    • GROUP BY will consider all the null values to be a single value, distinct from all the other values, and therefore be represented by exactly one line in the output of the GROUP BY.
  3. Any arithmetic expression involving a NULL evaluates to NULL (e.g., 3+NULL = NULL)
  4. Predicates involving NULL evaluate to NULL (e.g., 3 > NULL evaluates to UNKNOWN (neither TRUE nor FALSE)

NULL should not be used as a value that represents not applicable.

If an application is presenting data in a read-only fashion, then it may replace NULLs with some indicator value (e.g., 999999, -1, N/A), as long as the interpretation of these values is shown to the user.

If you have questions about DataBC’s Data Standards, please open a ticket with the Data Systems & Services request system.