Create Dataset

State: When creating a new metadata record, the state will be set to DRAFT.

Title: This is the title of your metadata record.

URL: This is automatically generated once the title is filled in.

Organization: This is the Ministry or Organization under which the metadata record is created.

Sub-Organization: This is the Sub-Organization (often the Branch or Division) under which the metadata record is created.

Description: Provide a meaningful description of the dataset here. Be sure to include any information that would be relevant to an end-user of your dataset.

Purpose: This is a summary of the intentions for which the dataset was developed.

Data Quality: This is descriptive text that can include information about issues, completeness, consistency, etc.

Lineage Statement: This is information about the events or source data used in constructing the data.

More info: Provide links to related web pages.

Keywords: These are the searchable terms for the metadata record. Enter meaningful keywords here. Think of what users may use for search terms to find the dataset in the Catalogue.


Add contacts for the following Roles:

  1. Custodian (required)
  2. Point of Contact (required)
  3. Business Expert (optional)
  4. Distributor (optional)

Name: Contact full name

Email: Contact email address

Organization: Contact organization

Sub-Organization: Contact Sub-Organization

Role: Contact role type (as per the list above)

Contact Displayed: Check this box to display the contact to all catalogue users (public access). Unchecked, this contact information will only be visible to Catalogue Admin’s.

Data Currency/Update

Resource Status is the status of the dataset as described by one of the types below:

Data Update Status Description
Ongoing Datasets that are regularly updated should be described as ongoing.
Completed Datasets with no plan for future updates should be described as completed.
Destroyed Datasets that no longer exist should be described as destroyed.
Historical Archive Datasets that exist, but have been archived (can also be desribed as no longer relevant) should be described as historical archive.
Obsolete Datasets that that have been replaced with another dataset should be described as destroyed.
Planned Datasets that do not currently exist, but are planned for the future, should be described as planned.
Under development Datasets that exist but are not yet completed should be described as under development.

Date type is used to provide details to users on when resources are created, published, modified, archived and destroyed.

Date is the date the resource was either created, published, modified, archived or destroyed.

When there are changes to a resource in a metadata record, a new date type and corresponding date should be added to this section.

Access & Security

Who can view this data? describes who can view the BC Geographic Warehouse (BCGW) resources associated with the metadata record.

Access Type Description
Public All users are able to access the dataset.
Named Users Only specific named users can access the dataset.
Government and Business BCeID Only people with government and BCeID credentials can access the dataset.
Government Only government credentials can access the dataset.

Who can view this record? describes who can view the metadata record.

Access Type Description
Public All users of the catalogue can view the metadata record.
IDIR Only IDIR credentials can view the metadata record.

Who can download this data? desribes the security level for access to download BC Geographic Warehouse (BCGW) resources associated with the metadata record

Access Type Description
Public All users are able to access the dataset.
Named Users Only specific named users can access the dataset.
Government and Business BCeID Only people with government and BCeID credentials can access the applciation.
Government Only government credentials can access the dataset.
Not downloadable The BC Geographic Warehouse (BCGW) resources cannot be downloaded.

License describes the license the data is being published under. See Licenses section for more info.

Security Classification

BCDC Security Classication Information Security Classification Levels Description
High - Cabinet, High - Confidential, High - Sensitivity Protected C Confidential. Extremely grave harm to an individual, organization or government. Examples: Information about police agents and other informants, Cabinet records or Cabinet-related records
Medium - Personal, Medium - Sensitivity Protected B Confidential. Serious harm to an individual, organization or government. Examples: Law enforcement and medical records, personnel evaluations and investigations, financial records, information subject to solicitor-client privilege or other legal privilege
Low - Sensitivity Protected A Confidential. Harm to an individual, organization or government. Examples: Home addresses, dates of birth, other low-risk personal information
Low - Public Public No harm to an individual, organization or government. Examples: Job postings, communications to claim clerks, business contact information, research and background papers (without copyright restrictions)

NEXT: ADD DATA takes you to the Add Data page where you upload or link your resource(s) and describe information about them.

Add Data

File: You can either upload a file that will be stored in the Catalogue Data Store, or use a link to your dataset. If linking to a dataset, ensure it is in a location that is accessible for end-users.

  • Upload File: Select this to upload a resource to the Catalogue Data Store.

  • Link: Enter the URL of your dataset here.

Resource Name is the name of the resource as it will appear on the metadata record.

Resource Description is a detailed description of the resource.

Resource Update Cycle describes how often the resource is updated.

Resource Stroage Format describes the file extension for the resource.

Resource Type is the type of resource: Data, Reports or Abstraction.

Resource Storage Location is the location where the resource is stored. For files that have been uploaded using the Upload File above, choose Catalogue Data Store.

Resource Access Method describes how the end-user can access the data.

Supplemental information: Any additional relevant information about the resource can be included here.

Temporal Extent (optional)

If your dataset is temporal in nature, you may provide the relevant dates in this area

Beginning Date is the start date for the preiod the data is captured for.

End Date is the end date for the preiod the data is captured for.

To complete the metadata in DRAFT status you can choose either:

  1. Finished will save your metadata record for the dataset in DRAFT status or,

  2. Save and Add Another will allow you to continue adding additional resources to the metadata record.