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Database Type: PostgreSQL - 17.4 (Debian 17.4-1.pgdg120+2)


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
oats_issues 5 4 32 -1 Table

An INQUIRY is a specific type of ISSUE, where someone poses a question to the Commission in regards to land use and the ALR. The Commission will reference this information if there is an ALR APPLICATION or COMPLAINT within the vicinity. A COMPLAINT is a specific type of ISSUE that warrants further investigation and may lead to an enforcement action. If further enforcement action is warranted, the typical course is: 1. Issue a Stop Work Order (SWO). The property owner may request this order be reviewed with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). 2. The ALC staff will make recommendations to the CEO as to whether further enforcement action should be applied, in the form of fines and/or land remediation. 3. The CEO may then impose a fine and/or land remediation. An ISSUE is either an INQUIRY or COMPLAINT regarding land use within the jurisdiction of the ALR.

oats_notice_intent_info_rqst 0 1 10 -1 Table

A NOTICE INTENT INFO RQST (Notice of Intent Information Request) is a request made by the Commission to obtain further information from the applicant regarding their Notice of Intent. If so the applicant has 30 days to respond to the request. Once the Commission receives the information they have 45 days to either ask for more information or render a decision. If the Commission does not respond within the timeframe, the applicant by default may proceed with their NOI.

oats_alr_application_fees 0 2 10 -1 Table
oats_person_organizations 9 2 16 -1 Table

A PERSON ORGANIZATION is a PERSON or ORGANIZATION or a PERSON OF AN ORGANIZATION which does business with, is a client of, or is otherwise of interest to the Ministry.

oats_alr_appl_meeting_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

An ALR APPL MEETING CODE is a type of meeting that can be conducted when during the evaluation of an ALR APPLICATION. For Example: - Exclusion Meeting - Site Visit - Public Information - Public Hearing

oats_planning_review_notes 0 1 9 -1 Table

A PLANNING REVIEW NOTE is the noting of an event that has occurred during examination of a PLANNING REVIEW.

oats_financial_instrument_cds 1 0 9 -1 Table

A FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT CD is a type of funding medium the Commission can receive to insure the completion of a CONDITION. For example: - Bond - Letter of Credit - Cash

oats_addresses 1 0 13 -1 Table

An ADDRESS is a postal address for a PERSON_ORGANIZATION. A PERSON_ORGANIZATION may have one or more addresses.

oats_nonfarm_use_type_codes 3 0 8 -1 Table

A NONFARM USE TYPE CODE is a broad categorization of non-agricultural uses of land. For example: - Industrial - Civic

oats_alr_unvalidated_app_data 0 1 9 -1 Table

Holds unvalidated data for an application currently IN PROGRESS. It is saved here until the application is validated and complete, then saved into the actual tables.

oats_conditions 1 2 13 -1 Table

A CONDITION is a stipulation the applicant must meet prior to a decision being allowed be executed.

oats_relationship_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A RELATIONSHIP CODE is the nature of a relationship between one ALR APPLICATION and another. For example: - Notice of Intent (Link the application that arose from an NOI) - Related application (Link created after conducting research) - Inclusion Pending (Link created to insure an Inclusion is done prior to another application being approved)

oats_alr_appl_state_codes 0 0 8 -1 Table
oats_subdiv_design_parcels 1 1 10 -1 Table

A SUBDIV DESIGN PARCEL is a parcel of land that is being proposed to be created as part of a SUBDIVISION DESIGN.

oats_adjacent_land_uses 0 2 10 -1 Table

ADJACENT LAND USE is a description of how the land is utilized that borders the SUBJECT PROPERTY.

oats_documents 0 6 18 -1 Table

A DOCUMENT is a human readable (opened with the appropriate software) electronic file .DOCUMENTS are typically: PDF (Portable Document Format) files JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) photographs

oats_alr_application_parties 0 3 11 -1 Table

An ALR APPLICATION PARTY is the inclusion of a PERSON ORGANIZATION as a party to an ALR APPLICATION, taking on a role as defined by APPLICATION ROLE CODE. The parties to an application may change over time, but are retained for historical purposes.

oats_organizations 2 2 19 -1 Table

A NON BC GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION is an organization that does not belong to the BC Government. A BC GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION is an organization that belongs to the BC Government. An ORGANIZATION is an organized and named grouping of people that interacts in some way with the Ministry. Definition from old ORGANIZATION CODE (plural AIR ORGANIZATION CDS):An ORGANIZATION is a named organization or group. There are two types of ORGANIZATIONS in AIR, AGENCY or EXTERNAL AGENCY. An AGENCY is a group that is in some way responsible for the ownership, or operation of a station. An EXTERNAL AGENCY is an agency who shares station data with AIR.An example is National Air Pollution Surveillance Network (NAPS). Note an optional display order was in ORGANIZATION CODE number(4).

oats_alr_appl_decisions 3 2 18 -1 Table

An ALR APPL DECISION is a resolution passed by the Commissioner’s of the Agricultural Land Commission pertaining to the inclusion or exclusion of land or permitted land uses within the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Agricultural Land Commission staff makes recommendations to the Commissioners. Only Commissioners are able to pass resolutions.

oats_capability_source_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A CAPABILITY SOURCE CODE is a provider of what the agricultural capability of land is. For example: - British Columbia Land Inventory - Canadian Land Inventory - Consultant

oats_planning_review_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A PLANNING REVIEW CODE is category under which a PLANNING REVIEW may be classified. For example: - Official Community Plan Review - Zoning Review - Local Government Boundary Adjustment - Transportation Review - Parks Planning - Regional Plans - Crown Lands - ALR Boundary Review - Other

oats_organization_types 1 0 9 -1 Table

The ORGANIZATION TYPE is the type of the non BC government organization. Examples include: Corporation, First Nations Band. This system requires an ORGANIZATION TYPE of ‘Region’

oats_reconsideration_requests 1 1 14 -1 Table

A RECONSIDERATION REQUEST is a request to the Commission to re-evaluate their decision made on an ALR APPLICATION. A RECONSIDERATION REQUEST can only be made when the applicant can provide more information the Commission did not have when their last decision was made, or the applicant can demonstrate there was error in the information the Commission had; it is not an opportunity for the applicant to alter the ALR APPLICATION.

oats_compliance_inspections 0 1 10 -1 Table

A COMPLIANCE INSPECTION is follow-up review to ensure the CONDITIONS of an ALR APPL DECISION are being adhered to.

oats_condition_compliance_rpts 0 1 9 -1 Table

A CONDITION COMPLIANCE RPT is a request by the Commission to have the applicant submit a report on a specified date to detail the compliance is a CONDITION.

oats_planning_acceptance_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A PLANNING ACCEPTANCE CODE is quantification of a PLANNING DECISION. For example: - Endorsed - Not Endorsed - Partial Endorsement

oats_persons 1 0 12 -1 Table

A BUSINESS PARTNER is a PERSON which is not a Ministry employee, or a Ministry employee who is acting as a business partner outside of employment function. A business partner includes contractors, clients and external organizations associated or partnered with the Ministry. An EMPLOYEE is a PERSON which is employed by the Ministry and not acting outside of that function. (An EMPLOYEE of the Ministry could also be considered as a BUSINESS PARTNER if involved with Ministry business activities outside the scope of normal job function.) A PERSON plays some role in resource inventory management for the BC Government and may belong to an ORGANIZATION.

oats_subject_properties 2 3 13 -1 Table

A SUBJECT PROPERTY is the inclusion of a specific PROPERTY indicating it is the subject of an ALR APPLICATION or an ISSUE.

oats_property_owner_type_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A PROPERTY OWNER TYPE CODE defines the nature to which a person or organization can claim possession over land. For example: - Fee Simple - Crown Land - First Nations

oats_accomplishments 0 2 9 -1 Table

An ALR ACCOMPLISHMENT is the declaration a specific ACCOMPLISHMENT CODE has been completed for an ALR APPLICATION.

oats_subdiv_parcel_intents 0 2 9 -1 Table

A SUBDIV PARCEL INTENT is either a parcel an applicant wishes to create as part of an ALR APPL COMPONENT-NON BOUNDARY CHANGE-SUBDIVISION, or a parcel the Commission has decided could be created. This depends on whether ALR APPL COMPONENT is a proposal component (the relationship from ALR APPLICATION is supplied) or a decision component (the relationship from ALR APPL DECISION is supplied). For each ALR APPL COMPONENT-NON BOUNDARY CHANGE-SUBDIVISION there must be at least two or more SUBDIV PARCEL INTENTS. I.E. the creation of one new parcel always results in two parcels being created, the new parcel and the remainder of the original.The total of SUBDIV PARCEL INTENT . PARCEL SIZE should be the same as the parent ALR APPL COMPONENT’s AREA. A decision SUBDIV PARCEL INTENT is considered to be actualized when a relationship from a SUBDIV DESIGN PARCEL has been established. Note: Two or more SUBDIV PARCEL INTENTS may be actualized by a single SUBDIV DESIGN PARCEL. For example: The decision allows the creation of 4 x 10ha parcels. The applicant submits a survey plan that only creates 2x20ha parcels. The actualization of two of the 10ha parcels will be from one of the 20ha parcels, and the actualization of the other two 10ha parcels will be from the other 20ha parcel. Another example: The decision allows the creation of 2 x 20ha parcels on the northern half of the property and 4 x 10ha lots on the southern half of the property. The applicant submits a survey plan that creates the 2 northern 20ha parcels, but does not explicitly include the southern half of the property. The actualization of the two 20ha parcels will be from the survey plan’s two 20ha parcels. If the applicant does not submit another survey plan before the decision expires, the southern four 10ha lots will be actualized by a by 40ha remainder SUBDIV DESIGN PARCEL (REMAINDER IND = ‘Y’).

oats_system_setting_codes 0 0 8 -1 Table

A SYSTEM SETTING CODE is a system wide global variable value. For example:- OATS Application Version

oats_document_source_codes 1 0 7 -1 Table
oats_financial_institute_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A FINANCIAL INSTITUTE CODE identifies the major banks, credit unions, or other financial institutes at the corporate level. The details of any specific bank branch will be held on the actual financial instrument. For example: - CIBC: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - RBC: Royal Bank of Canada - Scotiabank

oats_email_status_codes 1 0 7 -1 Table
oats_stop_work_order_rcpnts 0 2 8 -1 Table

A STOP WORK ORDER RCPNT (Recipient) is the inclusion of a PERSON ORGANIZATION identifying them as party that needs to comply with a Stop Work Order.

oats_permit_type_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A PERMIT TYPE CODE is a classification of permission that a local government a provincial government ministry may grant a land owner to make changes on property, or allow activities to be conducted. For example: - Permit - Licence - Approval

oats_property_interest_codes 1 0 7 -1 Table
oats_property_interests 0 6 16 -1 Table

A PROPERTY OWNER is the assertion that a PERSON ORGANIZATION is in possession of a PROPERTY at the time an ALR APPLICATION was submitted to the Commission or when an ISSUE was logged. For the purposes of the ALC, the owner of Crown Land will be the ministry that has governance over the land. For example: - Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB) - Ministry of Forest and Range (MoFR) A LAND TITLE CHARGE is an interest in land (as identified by a LAND TITLE CHARGE CODE) that is registerable against the title to land of a SUBJECT PROPERTY that may impact one or more of the title holders (for example, a mortgage) or the usage of the land (for example, statutory right of way, mineral rights). Only land title charges that are germane to the ALR APPLICATION will be included.A PROPERTY INTEREST is the generalization of PROPERTY OWNERSHIP and LAND TITLE CHARGE applied against a SUBJECT PROPERTY that is germane to the ALR APPLICATION.

oats_accomplishment_codes 1 0 10 -1 Table

An ACCOMPLISHMENT CODE is a specific business function that must be completed for an ALR APPLICATION as it is processed by the ALC.For example: - Application Received - Site Map / Geometry - Acknowledgment - Staff Report Completed - Decision Rendered - Decision Geometry - Map Amendment

oats_staff_journal_entries 0 1 9 -1 Table

A STAFF JOURNAL ENTRY is the noting of an event that has occurred during processing an ALR APPLICATION. For Example: - 2007-08-20: Contacted application to clarify location of the property - 2007-08-21: Received more detailed property description

oats_local_gov_service_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A LOCAL GOVNT SERVICE CODE is a type of infrastructure service that can be provided by a local government. For example: - Road - Water - Sewage Constrained list of local government services of interest to the ALC.

oats_alr_change_codes 2 0 8 -1 Table

An ALR CHANGE CODE is a type of change an applicant can request the Commission to consider. For example: - Inclusion - Exclusion - Subdivision - Non Farm Use - Soil Change

oats_committee_decision_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A COMMITTEE DECISION CODE is the decision a committee may render when reviewing an application. For example: - Approve - Refuse - Partial - No Comment

oats_alr_appl_components 4 11 40 -1 Table

An ALR APPL COMPONENT is a constituent part of an ALR APPLICATION distinguished by the type of change (as defined by ALR CHANGE CODE).An ALR APPL COMPONENT is either describing:a) a proposal component (if the relationship [identified as a proposal component for one and only one ALR APPLICATION] is provided)b) a decision component (if the relationship [identified as a decision component for one and only one ALR APPL DECISION] is provided.)A BOUNDARY CHANGE is an ALR APPL COMPONENT that will affect the boundary of the ALR. A decision ALR APPL COMPONENT-BOUNDARY CHANGE will be mapped in a digital mapping system.An INCLUSION is a specific type of ALR APPL COMPONENT that will bring land into the Agricultural Land Reserve. An EXCLUSION is a specific type of ALR APPL COMPONENT that will take land out of the Agricultural Land Reserve. A NON BOUNDARY CHANGE is an ALR APPL COMPONENT that does not affect the boundary of the ALR. A decision ALR APPL COMPONENT-NON BOUNDARY CHANGE will not be mapped in a digital mapping system.NON FARM PURPOSE is a specific type of NON BOUNDARY CHANGE-ALR APPL COMPONENT that will allow an activity other than agriculture to be conducted on the land, either as a general NONFARM USE, or as a SOIL CHANGE COMPONENT.A SUBDIVISION is a specific type of ALR APPL COMPONENT that will allow a parcel of land to be separated into multiple smaller parcels.A NON FARM USE is a specific type of NONFARM PURPOSE-NON BOUNDARY CHANGE-ALR APPL COMPONENT that will allow an activity other than agriculture to be conducted on the land, but not specifically subdivisions.A SOIL CHANGE COMPONENT is a further specific NON FARM PURPOSE that will allow either soil to be removed from the land or fill added to the land.

oats_alr_application_meetings 0 2 12 -1 Table

An ALR APPLICATION MEETING is an assembly of ALR APPLICATION stakeholders to address the Application.

oats_soil_change_elements 0 2 15 -1 Table

A SOIL CHANGE ELEMENT is the details of a specific soil change (remove soil, add fill) proposal or decision.

oats_subdivision_designs 1 1 10 -1 Table

A SUBDIVISION DESIGN is a document prepared by a surveyor to illustrate how a parcel of land will be subdivided into smaller parcels. This would typically be an unregisterd survey. The ALC is only interested in these designs for the purpose of accounting for what subdivisions where actually created as a result of a decision from the Commission.

oats_committee_recommendations 0 3 10 -1 Table

A COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION is the decision a committee has rendered regarding the ALR APPLICATION. These committees are held prior to the ALR APPLICATION being submitted to the ALC.

oats_local_gov_services 0 2 8 -1 Table

A LOCAL GOV SERVICE is the inclusion of a specific type of infrastructure service (as identified by LOCAL GOV SERVICE CODE) that can be provided by a local government asserting that service is provided to the SUBJECT PROPERTIES under the ALR APPLICATION.

oats_inquiry_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

An INQUIRY CODE is a category under which INQUIRIES can be classified. For example: - Inquiry for investigation - General correspondence - Area of Interest - Community Plan

oats_issue_notes 0 1 9 -1 Table

An ISSUE NOTE is the noting of an event that has occurred during processing an ISSUE.

oats_alr_applications 20 2 56 -1 Table

The Agricultural Land Reserve regulation allows a land owner to submit a NOTICE OF INTENT as opposed to a full SOIL CHANGE APPLICATION, if the specific criteria of the regulation are met, to remove soil or place fill, or both. The Commission may allow the change to be made as is, impose CONDITIONS, or request a full SOIL CHANGE APPLICATION to be submitted. A SOIL CHANGE is a specific type of ALR APPLICATION where the applicant is requesting to remove soil, add fill, or any combination there of.An ALR APPLICATION is the procedural instrument by which people, organizations, local governments (Regional Districts or Municipalities), the Agricultural Land Commission, and the Provincial Government of B.C. make requests to affect changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The following component changes can be requested either individually or together under a single ALR APPLICATION: - Include land in the ALR - Exclude land from the ALR - Subdivide land in the ALR - Non-farm use (which includes removing soil and adding fill)

oats_properties 1 0 12 -1 Table

A PROPERTY is a delineated piece of land that can be identified by the Land Titles Office by its P.I.D. (Property Identifier), or is Crown land that can be identified by its P.I.N. (Parcel Identification Number), or other land the can be identified by a legal description.

oats_local_gov_action_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A LOCAL GOV ACTION CODE is an action the local government must complete prior to the submission of an ALR APPLICATION to the ALC. For Example: - Notify Neighbours - Local Paper Ad

oats_committee_type_codes 1 0 9 -1 Table

A COMMITTEE TYPE CODE is the type of committee that can convene to review an ALR APPLICATION. For example: - Electoral Area Director - Board/Council - Agriculture Planning - Other

oats_payment_type_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A PAYMENT TYPE CODE identifies the type of payment in a financial instrument. For example: - CREDIT, CHEQUE, JOURNAL VOUCHER.

oats_alc_staffs 1 0 11 -1 Table

Stores the list of ALC staffs that can be assigned to an application.

oats_complaint_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A COMPLAINT CODE is a category under which COMPLAINTS can be classified. For example: - Filling - Extraction - Buildings - Commercial Activity

oats_planning_reviews 3 2 14 -1 Table

A PLANNING REVIEW is an undertaking by a Local Government or a Ministry of the Provincial Government to establish a course of action or direction on future land use that is of interest to the ALC. For example: - The Golden Ears Bridge - Ministry of Highway’s Gateway Program

oats_land_title_charge_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A LAND TITLE CHARGE CODE is an interest in land that is registerable against the title to land. For Example: - Liens - Covenant - Judgements - Easements - Certificate of Pending Litigation (previously known as Lis Pendens) This code table represents a subtype (filtered subset) of the ALTOS system’s VTRCDE table.

oats_financial_instruments 0 5 20 -1 Table

A FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT is the receipt of a letter of credit, bond, or cash (as identified by a FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT CODE) that will meet the request of an ALR APPL DECISION . SECURITY AMT. The total SECURITY AMT may be met by multiple FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS provided by different PERSON ORGANIZATIONS. Once all the CONDITIONS that are bound by a FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT (CONDITION . SECURITY REQUIRED IND = ‘Y’) have been met, the ALC will release the instrument. If a CONDITION bound by a FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT has not been met, the ALC may redeem the FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT, and use the money to fund the completion of the CONDITION.

oats_local_government_reports 0 2 18 -1 Table
oats_nonfarm_use_subtype_codes 2 1 9 -1 Table

A NONFARM USE SUBTYPE CODE is a more specific non-agricultural use of land under the classification of a NONFARM USE TYPE CODE. For example: Under the NONFARM USE TYPE CODE: Industrial - Sawmill - Workshop Under the NONFARM USE TYPE CODE: Civic - Religious edifice - Playground

oats_rsdntl_use_type_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A RSDNTL USE TYPE CODE is a broad categorization of Non-Adhering Residential Use of land.

oats_land_use_permits 0 2 12 -1 Table

A LAND USE PERMIT is the granting of a specific permission by a local government or a provincial government ministry to make changes on property, or allow activities to be conducted. A LAND USE PERMIT may be covering one or more SUBJECT PROPERTIES under the ALR APPLICATION. The ALC only needs to know these permits at the aggregate level of the application, and not against the individual properties.A LAND USE PERMIT may have been issued by contravenes the Act. For example: - A ‘Permit’ from a Local Government to allow the construction of a house - A ‘Licence’ from a Local Government to allow the operation of a word working shop. - A ‘Permit’ from the Ministry of Mines to allow gravel extraction - A ‘Permit’ from the Ministry of Environment for waste management

oats_document_codes 1 0 10 -1 Table

A DOCUMENT CODE is the categorization of a DOCUMENT. For example: - Acceptance Letter - Staff Report - Decision Meeting Minutes - Correspondence from Public

oats_address_types 1 0 9 -1 Table

An ADDRESS TYPE gives context to an address. Some examples include: “Home”, “Shipping”, “Head Office”.

oats_local_gov_actions 0 2 9 -1 Table

A LOCAL GOV ACTION is the assertion that a specific LOCAL GOV ACTION CODE item has been completed for the ALR APPLICATION.

oats_person_org_addresses 0 3 8 -1 Table


oats_alr_appl_role_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

An ALR APPL ROLE CODE is the function or reason a PERSON ORGANIZATION can be included as an ALR APPLICATION PARTY For example: - Applicant - Agent - Local Government

oats_email_type_codes 1 0 7 -1 Table
oats_email_notifications 0 3 19 -1 Table
oats_planning_decisions 0 2 12 -1 Table

A PLANNING DECISION is a conclusion drawn by the ALC as to how a PLANNING REVIEW conforms to the ALR’s mandate.

oats_map_amendment_periods 2 0 9 -1 Table

The Commission updates the official Agricultural Land Maps applying all inclusion and exclusion changes on a prescribed schedule. A MAP AMENDMENT PERIOD is a timeframe in which all inclusion and exclusion decisions that were approved outright or all CONDITIONS have been met where applied to the ALR map. There are 4 periods per year, each covering 3 months starting on January.

oats_agri_capability_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

An AGRI (AGRICULTURAL) CAPABILITY CODE is a measurement of a land’s ability to support agricultural endeavours. For example: - Prime Dominant - Secondary - Unclassified - Mixed

oats_application_class_codes 2 0 8 -1 Table

An APPLICATION CLASS CODE is a classification category under which an APPLICATION can be applied. This will establish the default fee amount collected for the application. For example: - Land Owner Application - Block Application - Soil Change - Notice of Intent

oats_complaint_appeals 0 1 11 -1 Table

A COMPLAINT APPEAL is a request by the property owner to have the enforcement action reconsidered.

oats_condition_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A CONDITION CODE is a type of prerequisite the Commission can impose as contingent to a decision. For example: - Fencing - Vegetative buffering - Irrigation - Agriculture Reports - Reclamation - Monitoring

oats_exclsn_app_type_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A EXCLSN APP TYPE CODE is a broad categorization of Exclusion Applicant Type.

oats_related_alr_applications 0 3 11 -1 Table

A RELATED APPLICATION is the association of one ALR APPLICATION to another.

oats_soil_change_codes 1 0 8 -1 Table

A SOIL CHANGE CODE is a type of change to the soil the Commission can permit within the ALR. For example: - remove soil - add fill