
-1 rows


A RECONSIDERATION REQUEST is a request to the Commission to re-evaluate their decision made on an ALR APPLICATION. A RECONSIDERATION REQUEST can only be made when the applicant can provide more information the Commission did not have when their last decision was made, or the applicant can demonstrate there was error in the information the Commission had; it is not an opportunity for the applicant to alter the ALR APPLICATION.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
reconsideration_request_id int8 19 null
oats_alr_appl_decisions.reconsideration_request_id oats_aadc_rreq_fk R

System generated sequence number to uniquely identify a RECONSIDERATION REQUEST

alr_application_id int8 19 null
oats_alr_applications.alr_application_id oats_rreq_appl_fk R

System generated sequence number to uniquely identify an ALR APPLICATION. This is also used as the ALR APPLICATION’S external reference number.

received_date timestamp 29,6 null

Date the requested was received by the ALC

new_information_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not new information is being provided for the Commission to consider.

error_information_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not the applicant has demonstrated there was error in the information the Commission had when the decision was rendered

new_proposal_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not the applicant is submitting a different proposal than the original application

staff_recommendation varchar 3 null

The recommendation ALC staff made to the Commission (yes, no, or no recommendation)

description varchar 4000 null

Further description of the RECONSIDERATION REQUEST

approved_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the request was approved.

who_created varchar 32 null

WHO CREATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who created the record.

when_created timestamp 29,6 null

WHEN CREATED is the date/time that the record was created.

who_updated varchar 32 null

WHO UPDATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who last updated the record.

when_updated timestamp 29,6 null

WHEN UPDATED is the date/time that the record was last updated.

revision_count int8 19 0

REVISION COUNT is used by Hibernate to control optimistic locking


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
oats_reconsideration_requests_pkey Primary key Asc reconsideration_request_id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
oats_rreq_sr_chk ((staff_recommendation)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying, 'NR'::character varying])::text[]))
oats_rreq_npi_chk ((new_proposal_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[]))
oats_rreq_nii_chk ((new_information_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[]))
oats_rreq_eii_chk ((error_information_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[]))
