Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
alr_application_id | int8 | 19 | null |
System generated sequence number to uniquely identify an ALR APPLICATION. This is also used as the ALR APPLICATION’S external reference number. |
application_class_code | varchar | 10 | null |
System developer supplied value to uniquely identify an APPLICATION CLASS CODE |
legacy_application_nbr | varchar | 10 | √ | null |
The application number of an older application that does not match the format of APPLICATION ID. |
submitted_to_alc_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
Date the application was received by the ALC office |
proposal_summary_desc | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
A detailed description of the application’s proposed objectives, as authored by the applicant. |
proposal_background_desc | varchar | 4000 | null |
A detailed description of the application’s proposed objectives, motivations, and any other supporting information. |
current_land_use_desc | varchar | 4000 | null |
A description of all uses currently conducted on the land as authored by the applicant. |
applied_fee_amt | float8 | 17,17 | null |
The amount of money collected as the application fee for this ALR APPLICATION. This may differ from APPLICATION CLASS CODE . FEE AMT, if the standard default amount changes. |
fee_waived_ind | varchar | 1 | null |
Indicates whether or not the application fee was waived. If yes than any monies collected for the application is returned. |
fee_received_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
Date the fee was received by the ALC. |
split_fee_with_local_gov_ind | varchar | 1 | null |
Indicates whether or not the application fee should be split with the local government. If this is yes, half the fee amount is given to the local government. |
staff_comment_observations | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Comments supplied by staff that will appear on the Staff Report |
reclamation_measure_desc | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Description of how the applicant proposes to reclaim the soil for agricultural purposes |
equipment_desc | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Description of the proposed equipment that will be used to make affect the soil change |
on_site_processing_ind | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether or not equipment will be on site processing the soil |
agrologist_plan_ind | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether or not an agrologist developed a plan for the soil change |
project_end_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
Date the applicant plans to cease the soil removal or land fill |
agricultural_improvement_desc | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Describes the agricultural improvements relating to the application. |
non_agricultural_uses_desc | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Describes the non agricultural use relating to the application. |
buildings_desc | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Describes the buildings relating to the application. |
created_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The date the applicaiton was created by the applicant |
created_guid | varchar | 32 | √ | null |
The GUID of the applicant |
submitted_to_lg_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The date the application was submitted to the Local Government |
submitted_to_lg_guid | varchar | 32 | √ | null |
The GUID of the applicant who submitted to the Local Government |
accepted_by_lg_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The date the application was accepted by the Local Government |
accepted_by_lg_guid | varchar | 32 | √ | null |
The GUID of the agent who accepted the applicaiton on behalf of the Local Government |
submitted_to_alc_guid | varchar | 32 | √ | null |
The date the application was accepted by the ALC |
cancelled_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The date the application was cancelled |
cancelled_guid | varchar | 32 | √ | null |
The GUID of the agent who cancelled the applicaiton |
rejected_by_lg_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The date the application was rejected by the ALC |
rejected_by_lg_guid | varchar | 32 | √ | null |
The GUID of the agent who rejected the applicaiton on behalf of the ALC |
validated_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The date the application was validated by the applicant |
validated_guid | varchar | 32 | √ | null |
The GUID of the applicant |
zone | int2 | 5 | 1 |
The zone of the local government relating to the application. |
economic_values_desc | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Describes the economic values relating to the application. |
cultural_values_desc | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Describes the cultural values relating to the application. |
varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Describes the social values relating to the application. |
regional_planning_desc | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
Describes the regional and community planning objectives relating to the application. |
alc_staff_id | int8 | 19 | √ | null |
System generated sequence number to uniquely identify an ALC staff. |
mask_period | int2 | 5 | 2 |
The number of days the application is masked after a decision is made. |
followup_noi_ind | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether or not the application as a follow-up to a Notice of Intent (NOI). |
followup_noi_number | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
Notice of Intent (NOI) number relating to the application. |
ministry_notice_ind | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether or not the applicant have submitted a notice of work to the Ministry of Energy and Mines. |
ministry_notice_ref_no | varchar | 100 | √ | null |
Tracking or reference number that the applicant have submitted a notice of work to the Ministry of Energy and Mines. |
audited_ind | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether or not the application have been audited/reviewed by an ALC staff. |
applicant_file_no | varchar | 30 | √ | null |
The file number was provided by applicant. |
terms | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
The terms were provided by applicant for SRW. |
plan_no | varchar | 500 | √ | null |
The plan numbers were provided by applicant for SRW. |
control_no | varchar | 500 | √ | null |
The control numbers were provided by applicant for SRW. |
email_response_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The date the email was responded by the ALC office. |
srw_ind | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether or not the application is notification of SRW. |
who_created | varchar | 32 | null |
WHO CREATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who created the record. |
when_created | timestamp | 29,6 | null |
WHEN CREATED is the date/time that the record was created. |
who_updated | varchar | 32 | √ | null |
WHO UPDATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who last updated the record. |
when_updated | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
WHEN UPDATED is the date/time that the record was last updated. |
revision_count | int8 | 19 | 0 |
REVISION COUNT is used by Hibernate to control optimistic locking |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
oats_alr_applications_pkey | Primary key | Asc | alr_application_id |
oats_appl_algd_i | Performance | Asc | accepted_by_lg_date |
oats_appl_crd_i | Performance | Asc | created_date |
oats_appl_crguid_i | Performance | Asc | created_guid |
oats_appl_rlgd_i | Performance | Asc | rejected_by_lg_date |
oats_appl_salcd_i | Performance | Asc | submitted_to_alc_date |
oats_appl_slgd_i | Performance | Asc | submitted_to_lg_date |
Check Constraints
Constraint Name | Constraint |
oats_appl_ospi_ck | ((on_site_processing_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[])) |
oats_appl_srw_ck | ((srw_ind)::text = 'Y'::text) |
oats_appl_api_ck | ((agrologist_plan_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[])) |
oats_appl_sfwlgi_ck | ((split_fee_with_local_gov_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[])) |
oats_appl_acc_ck | ((application_class_code)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['LOA'::character varying, 'BLK'::character varying, 'SCH'::character varying, 'NOI'::character varying, 'NAN'::character varying])::text[])) |
oats_appl_mni_ck | ((ministry_notice_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[])) |
oats_appl_fni_ck | ((followup_noi_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[])) |
oats_appl_fwi_ck | ((fee_waived_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[])) |