
-1 rows


The Agricultural Land Reserve regulation allows a land owner to submit a NOTICE OF INTENT as opposed to a full SOIL CHANGE APPLICATION, if the specific criteria of the regulation are met, to remove soil or place fill, or both. The Commission may allow the change to be made as is, impose CONDITIONS, or request a full SOIL CHANGE APPLICATION to be submitted. A SOIL CHANGE is a specific type of ALR APPLICATION where the applicant is requesting to remove soil, add fill, or any combination there of.An ALR APPLICATION is the procedural instrument by which people, organizations, local governments (Regional Districts or Municipalities), the Agricultural Land Commission, and the Provincial Government of B.C. make requests to affect changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The following component changes can be requested either individually or together under a single ALR APPLICATION: - Include land in the ALR - Exclude land from the ALR - Subdivide land in the ALR - Non-farm use (which includes removing soil and adding fill)


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
alr_application_id int8 19 null
oats_accomplishments.alr_application_id oats_acmp_appl_fk R
oats_adjacent_land_uses.alr_application_id oats_ause_appl_fk R
oats_alr_appl_components.alr_application_id oats_apcp_appl_fk R
oats_alr_appl_decisions.alr_application_id oats_aadc_appl_fk R
oats_alr_application_meetings.alr_application_id oats_apmt_appl_fk R
oats_alr_application_parties.alr_application_id oats_appy_appl_fk R
oats_alr_unvalidated_app_data.alr_application_id oats_auad_appl_fk R
oats_committee_recommendations.alr_application_id oats_cmrc_appl_fk R
oats_documents.alr_application_id oats_docu_appl_fk R
oats_email_notifications.alr_application_id oats_en_appl_fk R
oats_land_use_permits.alr_application_id oats_lupt_appl_fk R
oats_local_gov_actions.alr_application_id oats_lact_appl_fk R
oats_local_gov_services.alr_application_id oats_lgsv_appl_fk R
oats_local_government_reports.alr_application_id oats_lgr_appl_fk R
oats_notice_intent_info_rqst.alr_application_id oats_noir_appl_fk R
oats_reconsideration_requests.alr_application_id oats_rreq_appl_fk R
oats_related_alr_applications.primary_alr_application_id oats_rlap_appl_fk R
oats_related_alr_applications.secondary_alr_application_id oats_rlap_appl_fk2 R
oats_staff_journal_entries.alr_application_id oats_sjou_appl_fk R
oats_subject_properties.alr_application_id oats_sbjp_appl_fk R

System generated sequence number to uniquely identify an ALR APPLICATION. This is also used as the ALR APPLICATION’S external reference number.

application_class_code varchar 10 null
oats_application_class_codes.application_class_code oats_appl_apcc_fk R

System developer supplied value to uniquely identify an APPLICATION CLASS CODE

legacy_application_nbr varchar 10 null

The application number of an older application that does not match the format of APPLICATION ID.

submitted_to_alc_date timestamp 29,6 null

Date the application was received by the ALC office

proposal_summary_desc varchar 4000 null

A detailed description of the application’s proposed objectives, as authored by the applicant.

proposal_background_desc varchar 4000 null

A detailed description of the application’s proposed objectives, motivations, and any other supporting information.

current_land_use_desc varchar 4000 null

A description of all uses currently conducted on the land as authored by the applicant.

applied_fee_amt float8 17,17 null

The amount of money collected as the application fee for this ALR APPLICATION. This may differ from APPLICATION CLASS CODE . FEE AMT, if the standard default amount changes.

fee_waived_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not the application fee was waived. If yes than any monies collected for the application is returned.

fee_received_date timestamp 29,6 null

Date the fee was received by the ALC.

split_fee_with_local_gov_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not the application fee should be split with the local government. If this is yes, half the fee amount is given to the local government.

staff_comment_observations varchar 4000 null

Comments supplied by staff that will appear on the Staff Report

reclamation_measure_desc varchar 4000 null

Description of how the applicant proposes to reclaim the soil for agricultural purposes

equipment_desc varchar 4000 null

Description of the proposed equipment that will be used to make affect the soil change

on_site_processing_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not equipment will be on site processing the soil

agrologist_plan_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not an agrologist developed a plan for the soil change

project_end_date timestamp 29,6 null

Date the applicant plans to cease the soil removal or land fill

agricultural_improvement_desc varchar 4000 null

Describes the agricultural improvements relating to the application.

non_agricultural_uses_desc varchar 4000 null

Describes the non agricultural use relating to the application.

buildings_desc varchar 4000 null

Describes the buildings relating to the application.

created_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the applicaiton was created by the applicant

created_guid varchar 32 null

The GUID of the applicant

submitted_to_lg_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the application was submitted to the Local Government

submitted_to_lg_guid varchar 32 null

The GUID of the applicant who submitted to the Local Government

accepted_by_lg_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the application was accepted by the Local Government

accepted_by_lg_guid varchar 32 null

The GUID of the agent who accepted the applicaiton on behalf of the Local Government

submitted_to_alc_guid varchar 32 null

The date the application was accepted by the ALC

cancelled_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the application was cancelled

cancelled_guid varchar 32 null

The GUID of the agent who cancelled the applicaiton

rejected_by_lg_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the application was rejected by the ALC

rejected_by_lg_guid varchar 32 null

The GUID of the agent who rejected the applicaiton on behalf of the ALC

validated_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the application was validated by the applicant

validated_guid varchar 32 null

The GUID of the applicant

zone int2 5 1

The zone of the local government relating to the application.

economic_values_desc varchar 4000 null

Describes the economic values relating to the application.

cultural_values_desc varchar 4000 null

Describes the cultural values relating to the application.

social_values_desc varchar 4000 null

Describes the social values relating to the application.

regional_planning_desc varchar 4000 null

Describes the regional and community planning objectives relating to the application.

alc_staff_id int8 19 null
oats_alc_staffs.alc_staff_id oats_appl_as_fk R

System generated sequence number to uniquely identify an ALC staff.

mask_period int2 5 2

The number of days the application is masked after a decision is made.

followup_noi_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not the application as a follow-up to a Notice of Intent (NOI).

followup_noi_number int4 10 null

Notice of Intent (NOI) number relating to the application.

ministry_notice_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not the applicant have submitted a notice of work to the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

ministry_notice_ref_no varchar 100 null

Tracking or reference number that the applicant have submitted a notice of work to the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

audited_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not the application have been audited/reviewed by an ALC staff.

applicant_file_no varchar 30 null

The file number was provided by applicant.

terms varchar 4000 null

The terms were provided by applicant for SRW.

plan_no varchar 500 null

The plan numbers were provided by applicant for SRW.

control_no varchar 500 null

The control numbers were provided by applicant for SRW.

email_response_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the email was responded by the ALC office.

srw_ind varchar 1 null

Indicates whether or not the application is notification of SRW.

who_created varchar 32 null

WHO CREATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who created the record.

when_created timestamp 29,6 null

WHEN CREATED is the date/time that the record was created.

who_updated varchar 32 null

WHO UPDATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who last updated the record.

when_updated timestamp 29,6 null

WHEN UPDATED is the date/time that the record was last updated.

revision_count int8 19 0

REVISION COUNT is used by Hibernate to control optimistic locking


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
oats_alr_applications_pkey Primary key Asc alr_application_id
oats_appl_algd_i Performance Asc accepted_by_lg_date
oats_appl_crd_i Performance Asc created_date
oats_appl_crguid_i Performance Asc created_guid
oats_appl_rlgd_i Performance Asc rejected_by_lg_date
oats_appl_salcd_i Performance Asc submitted_to_alc_date
oats_appl_slgd_i Performance Asc submitted_to_lg_date

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
oats_appl_ospi_ck ((on_site_processing_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[]))
oats_appl_srw_ck ((srw_ind)::text = 'Y'::text)
oats_appl_api_ck ((agrologist_plan_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[]))
oats_appl_sfwlgi_ck ((split_fee_with_local_gov_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[]))
oats_appl_acc_ck ((application_class_code)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['LOA'::character varying, 'BLK'::character varying, 'SCH'::character varying, 'NOI'::character varying, 'NAN'::character varying])::text[]))
oats_appl_mni_ck ((ministry_notice_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[]))
oats_appl_fni_ck ((followup_noi_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[]))
oats_appl_fwi_ck ((fee_waived_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[]))
