Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | |||
alr_application_id | int8 | 19 | null |
System generated sequence number to uniquely identify an ALR APPLICATION. This is also used as the ALR APPLICATION’S external reference number. |
local_gov_file_number | varchar | 50 | √ | null |
The local government’s file number used by the local government to track the ALR APPLICATION. |
community_pln_bylaw_name | varchar | 200 | √ | null |
The name of the local government’s Official Community Plan bylaw which the SUBJECT PROPERTIES are affected by |
community_pln_designation | varchar | 50 | √ | null |
The designation of the local government’s Official Community Plan, industrial, residential, agricultural as provided by the local government. |
community_pln_compliance_ind | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether or not this ALR APPLICATION is in compliance with the local government’s Official Community Plan |
zoning_bylaw_name | varchar | 200 | √ | null |
The name of the local government’s zoning bylaw which the SUBJECT PROPERTIES are affected by |
zoning_designation | varchar | 50 | √ | null |
The designation of the local government’s zoning, light industrial, heavy industrial as provided by the local government |
zoning_compliance_ind | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether or not this ALR APPLICATION is in compliance with the local government’s zoning. |
minimum_lot_hectares | float8 | 17,17 | √ | null |
The minimum size of a lot measured in hectares as allowed by the local government |
contact_department | varchar | 100 | √ | null |
CONTACT DEPARTMENT is the department in which the local government contact works. |
varchar | 1 | √ | null |
AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED IND indicates whether or not authorization under section 25(2) or section 30 (4) of the ALC Act is required. |
amendment_rationale | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
AMENDMENT RATIONALE is the rationale for forwarding the application to the ALC if ammendments to plans or bylaws are required. |
person_organization_id | int8 | 19 | √ | null |
PERSON ORGANIZATION ID is the system generated unique identifier for PERSON ORGANIZATION. |
who_created | varchar | 32 | null |
WHO CREATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who created the record. |
when_created | timestamp | 29,6 | null |
WHEN CREATED is the date/time that the record was created. |
who_updated | varchar | 32 | √ | null |
WHO UPDATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who last updated the record. |
when_updated | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
WHEN UPDATED is the date/time that the record was last updated. |
revision_count | int8 | 19 | 0 |
REVISION COUNT is used by Hibernate to control optimistic locking |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
oats_local_government_reports_pkey | Primary key | Asc | alr_application_id |
oats_lgr_pog_fk_i | Performance | Asc | person_organization_id |
Check Constraints
Constraint Name | Constraint |
avcon_1362772157_autho_000 | ((authorization_required_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying])::text[])) |
avcon_1362772157_commu_000 | ((community_pln_compliance_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying, 'X'::character varying])::text[])) |
avcon_1362772157_zonin_000 | ((zoning_compliance_ind)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['Y'::character varying, 'N'::character varying, 'X'::character varying])::text[])) |