
-1 rows


A PERSON ORGANIZATION is a PERSON or ORGANIZATION or a PERSON OF AN ORGANIZATION which does business with, is a client of, or is otherwise of interest to the Ministry.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
person_organization_id int8 19 null
oats_alr_application_parties.person_organization_id oats_appy_pog_fk R
oats_financial_instruments.person_organization_id oats_fiin_pog_fk R
oats_issues.filed_by_pog_id oats_issu_pog_fk2 R
oats_issues.local_gov_pog_id oats_issu_pog_fk R
oats_local_government_reports.person_organization_id oats_lgr_pog_fk R
oats_person_org_addresses.person_organization_id oats_pad_pog_fk R
oats_planning_reviews.person_organization_id oats_plrv_pog_fk R
oats_property_interests.person_organization_id oats_prin_pog_fk R
oats_stop_work_order_rcpnts.person_organization_id oats_swor_pog_fk R

PERSON ORGANIZATION ID is the system generated unique identifier for PERSON ORGANIZATION.

person_id int8 19 null
oats_persons.person_id oats_pog_per_fk R

PERSON ID is the system generated unique identifier for PERSON

organization_id int8 19 null
oats_organizations.organization_id oats_pog_org_fk R

ORGANIZATION ID is the system generated unique identifier for ORGANIZATION

phone_number varchar 20 null

The PHONE NUMBER is the Phone number of the person, organization or person of the organization. Includes area code.

cell_phone_number varchar 20 null

The CELL PHONE NUMBER is the Cell phone number of the person, organization or person of the organization. Includes area code.

fax_number varchar 20 null

The FAX NUMBER is the Facsimile number of the person, organization or person of the organization. Includes area code.

email_address varchar 50 null

The EMAIL ADDRESS is the Email address of the person, organization or person of the organization.

website_url varchar 2000 null

The WEBSITE URL is the Website address of the person, organization or person of the organization.

effective_date timestamp 29,6 null

The EFFECTIVE DATE is the date a person organization becomes effective as a representative of the organization and person.

expiry_date timestamp 29,6 null

The EXPIRY DATE is the date a person organization becomes effective as a representative of the organization and person.

email_verified_ind varchar 1 'N'::character varying

Indicates if the email has been validated.

who_created varchar 32 null

WHO CREATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who created the record.

when_created timestamp 29,6 null

WHEN CREATED is the date/time that the record was created.

who_updated varchar 32 null

WHO UPDATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who updated the record.

when_updated timestamp 29,6 null

WHEN UPDATED is the date/time that the record was updated.

revision_count int8 19 0

REVISION COUNT is used by Hibernate to control optimistic locking


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
oats_person_organizations_pkey Primary key Asc person_organization_id
