
-1 rows


A NOTICE INTENT INFO RQST (Notice of Intent Information Request) is a request made by the Commission to obtain further information from the applicant regarding their Notice of Intent. If so the applicant has 30 days to respond to the request. Once the Commission receives the information they have 45 days to either ask for more information or render a decision. If the Commission does not respond within the timeframe, the applicant by default may proceed with their NOI.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
notice_intent_info_rqst_id int8 19 null

System generated sequence number to uniquely identify an NOTICE INTENT INFO RQST

alr_application_id int8 19 null
oats_alr_applications.alr_application_id oats_noir_appl_fk R

System generated sequence number to uniquely identify an ALR APPLICATION. This is also used as the ALR APPLICATION’S external reference number.

description varchar 4000 null

Description of the Notice of Intent Information Request

request_date timestamp 29,6 null

Date the Commission made the request for further information

received_date timestamp 29,6 null

Date the Commission received the requested information from the applicant

who_created varchar 32 null

WHO CREATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who created the record.

when_created timestamp 29,6 null

WHEN CREATED is the date/time that the record was created.

who_updated varchar 32 null

WHO UPDATED is the IDIR or Oracle userid of the person who last updated the record.

when_updated timestamp 29,6 null

WHEN UPDATED is the date/time that the record was last updated.

revision_count int8 19 0

REVISION COUNT is used by Hibernate to control optimistic locking


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
oats_notice_intent_info_rqst_pkey Primary key Asc notice_intent_info_rqst_id
oats_noir_appl_fk_i Performance Asc alr_application_id
