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climr is in essence similar to ClimateNA in that it downscales low-resolution (~100km) global climate model anomalies to high-resolution (1-4km) maps of climate, with further elevation adjustment to user-specified elevation grids/points based on empirical lapse rates (local relationship of climate to elevation) of the 1-4km climate maps. The elevation-adjusted monthly values of basic climate elements (temperature and precipitation) are then used to estimate derived variables (e.g., degree-days, precipitation as snow) based on published equations and parameters from (Wang et al. 2016).

See vignette("methods_downscaling.Rmd") for a detailed explanation of the downscaling methodology employed in climr.

climr’s strenghts are:

  1. its ability to obtain multiple, individual runs of a (or several) General Circulation Model(s) (GCM), as well as the ensemble cross-run mean,
  1. cloud-based raw data access and local data caching,

  2. and direct R interface to downscaled climate elements and derived variables covering western Canada and western US.

In this vignette we cover two basic climr workflows to obtain historic and future climate projections of a few derived variables.

The first, less code-heavy, workflow uses downscale() to do much of the heavy lifting – [Workflow with downscale]. The second workflow is a step-by-step breakdown of downscale() using the functions downscale() calls internally – [Workflow with *_input functions and downscale].

Main functions

Below is a list of the main functions used in the two workflows.

  • downscale() takes a data.table of point coordinates (in lat-long projection), obtains climate normals and historic and/or future projections covering the extent of the points, which are then downscaled using point elevation data and used to calculate derived climate variables at the point locations. It outputs the downscaled and derived variables in the form of a data.table or SpatVector of points.

  • input_refmap() downloads and prepares high-resolution climate normals. Called internally by downscale().

  • input_obs() and input_obs_ts() download and prepare low-resolution historic climate elements for a given historic period or time series, respectively. Called internally by downscale().

  • input_gcms(), input_gcm_hist() and input_gcm_ssp() download and prepare low-resolution climate element projections for a future period, historic period or future time series, respectively. Called internally by downscale().

  • downscale() downscales historic or future climate elements and calculates derived climate variables. Called by downscale().

Workflow with downscale

In this example workflow we use downscale() to calculate mean annual temperature (MAT), total annual precipitation (PPT) and precipitation as snow (PAS) at weather stations associated with the Adjusted and homogenized Canadian climate data.

We will downscale MAT, PPT and MAS at these locations for a historic and a future period, using two separate runs of a GCM and one emissions scenario.

We begin by loading the Adjusted Precipitation for Canada (APC2) dataset and clipping it to the North Vancouver area. This dataset already contains elevation information.

Note that longitude (‘lon’) and latitude (‘lat’) must be in lat-long projection (EPSG:4326) and elevation in m. Point IDs must be unique – we will use the weather station IDs.

We will also add two other columns in our data.table (‘ZONE’ and ‘HEZ’) these are ignored by downscale(). downscale() preserves the IDs and we use them to join back the extra columns used for plotting later on.


## weather station locations
weather_stations <- get(data("weather_stations")) |>

## study area of interest (North Vancouver)
vancouver_poly <- get(data("vancouver_poly")) |>

## subset to points in study area
weather_stations <- mask(weather_stations, vancouver_poly)

## convert to data.table and subset/rename columns needed by climr
xyzDT <-, geom = "XY")
cols <- c("Station ID", "x", "y", "Elevation (m)")
xyzDT <- xyzDT[, ..cols]
setnames(xyzDT, c("id", "lon", "lat", "elev"))

## join BEC zones and colours
BECz_vancouver <- get(data("BECz_vancouver")) |>

BECz_points <- extract(BECz_vancouver, weather_stations) |>
BECz_points <- BECz_points[, .(ZONE, HEX)]

xyzDT <- cbind(xyzDT, BECz_points)

## remove duplicates
xyzDT <- unique(xyzDT)

## there are some duplicate stations with slightly different
## coordinates. We'll take the first
xyzDT <- xyzDT[!duplicated(id)]
Weather stations in North Vancouver

Weather stations in North Vancouver

The list_*() functions below provide a list of available historic and future periods, GCMs, emissions scenarios, and derived variables (in this case only the annual ones).

#> [1] "2001_2020"
#> [1] "2001_2020" "2021_2040" "2041_2060" "2061_2080" "2081_2100"
#>  [1] "ACCESS-ESM1-5" "BCC-CSM2-MR"   "CanESM5"       "CNRM-ESM2-1"  
#>  [5] "EC-Earth3"     "GFDL-ESM4"     "GISS-E2-1-G"   "INM-CM5-0"    
#>  [9] "IPSL-CM6A-LR"  "MIROC6"        "MPI-ESM1-2-HR" "MRI-ESM2-0"   
#> [13] "UKESM1-0-LL"
#> [1] "ssp126" "ssp245" "ssp370" "ssp585"
list_vars(set = "Annual")
#>  [1] "AHM"     "bFFP"    "CMD"     "CMI"     "DD18"    "DD5"     "DDsub0" 
#>  [8] "DDsub18" "eFFP"    "EMT"     "Eref"    "EXT"     "FFP"     "MAP"    
#> [15] "MAT"     "MCMT"    "MSP"     "MWMT"    "NFFD"    "PAS"     "PPT"    
#> [22] "RH"      "SHM"     "Tave"    "TD"      "Tmax"    "Tmin"

We will chose the only available historic period (2001-2020), the 2021-2040 future period, the ‘EC-Earth3’ GCM and the SSP 2.45 scenario. MAT, PPT and PAS will be selected as output variables.

We pass our choices to downscale(), choosing the “auto” normals option (which defaults to using the highest resolution data available for the points selected).

ds_out <- downscale(
  xyz = xyzDT,
  which_refmap = "auto",
  obs_periods = "2001_2020",
  gcm_periods = "2021_2040",
  gcms = "EC-Earth3",
  ssps = "ssp245",
  max_run = 2,
  return_refperiod = TRUE, ## to return the 1961-1990 normals period
  vars = c("MAT", "PPT", "PAS")
#> Welcome to climr!
#> Getting normals...
#> Downloading new data...
#> .
#> Caching data...
#> Getting observed anomalies...
#> Downloading observed period anomalies
#> .
#> Caching data...
#> Getting GCMs...
#> Downloading GCM anomalies
#> .
#> Caching data...
#> Downscaling!!

Note how data from historical periods doesn’t have a GCM or SSP value – this is expected , as GCMs and SSPs are used to project future climate values. Also, future projections were obtained for two runs of EC-Earth3 (‘r1i1p1f1’ and ‘r10i1p1f1’), plus the ensemble mean.

‘ds_out’ table - Output from downscale. Outputs are show for one location (‘id’)
87 NA NA NA 1961_1990 9.509459 2838.775 123.96330
87 NA NA NA 2001_2020 9.818568 2783.691 105.92775
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2021_2040 11.027859 2913.681 68.68399
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 r15i1p1f1 2021_2040 10.587255 3013.761 86.40004
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 r1i1p1f1 2021_2040 11.232143 2935.989 63.56457

To add back the extra columns we need only a simple left join.

ds_out <- xyzDT[, .(id, ZONE, HEX)][ds_out, on = .(id)]

We can now do a simple visualisation of climate variation by biogeoclimatic zone (‘ZONE’), in the normals period of 1961-1990:

plotdata <- melt(ds_out, measure.vars = c("MAT", "PPT", "PAS"))
cols <- plotdata$HEX
names(cols) <- plotdata$ZONE
cols <- cols[!duplicated(cols)]

ggplot(plotdata[PERIOD == "1961_1990"], aes(x = ZONE, y = value, fill = ZONE)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  theme_light() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free")

We may also want yearly climate projections. In this case, we want the yearly values of MAT and PPT for 2001-2015 and 2021:2040, using the same GCM, SSP and number of model runs. Notice how some of the data doesn’t need to be downloaded again, and was retrieved from cache.

The downscale() internally rescales the projected historical values so that they align with their observed counterpart. See vignette("methods_downscaling.Rmd") for details.

ds_out_ts <- downscale(
  xyz = xyzDT,
  which_refmap = "auto",
  obs_years = 2001:2015, ## currently up to 2015
  gcm_hist_years = 2001:2020, ## currently up to 2010
  gcm_ssp_years = 2021:2040, ## currently starting at 2021
  gcms = "EC-Earth3",
  ssps = "ssp245",
  max_run = 1,
  return_refperiod = TRUE, ## to return the 1961-1990 normals period
  vars = c("MAT", "PPT", "PAS")
#> Welcome to climr!
#> Getting normals...
#> Retrieving from cache...
#> Downloading GCM anomalies
#> Precip...
#> .
#> Tmax...
#> .
#> Tmin...
#> .
#> Caching data...
#> Downloading GCM anomalies
#> .
#> Caching data...
#> Downscaling!!

To plot the time series, we will filter the data to a single model run (i.e. in this case discard the ensemble means) and to a single point location. Note that we plot both the observed (obs_hist) and the projected historical (proj_hist) climate values along with future climate projections (proj_fut).

ds_out_ts[, GCM := "Historic"]
ds_out_ts <- ds_out_ts[!grepl("ensemble", RUN)]
ds_out_ts <- ds_out_ts[!grepl("1961_1990", PERIOD)]

plotdata <- melt(ds_out_ts, measure.vars = c("MAT", "PPT", "PAS"))
plotdata[, PERIOD := as.numeric(PERIOD)]
plotdata <- plotdata[id == head(id, 1)]

## time series period groupings
plotdata[GCM == "Historic", pgrp := "obs_hist"]
plotdata[GCM != "Historic" & PERIOD <= 2020, pgrp := "proj_hist"]
plotdata[GCM != "Historic" & PERIOD > 2020, pgrp := "proj_fut"]

## make groups so that missing data is not shown as a "line connection"
groups <- data.table(PERIOD = unique(plotdata$PERIOD))
groups[, idx := c(1, diff(PERIOD))]
i2 <- c(1, which(groups$idx != 1), nrow(groups) + 1)
groups[, grp := rep(1:length(diff(i2)), diff(i2))]
plotdata <- groups[, .(PERIOD, grp)][plotdata, on = "PERIOD"]
plotdata[, grp := paste(grp, variable, sep = "_")]

yrbreaks <- c(
  seq(min(plotdata$PERIOD), max(plotdata$PERIOD), by = 5),
) |>

ggplot(plotdata, aes(x = PERIOD, y = value, col = pgrp, group = grp)) +
    data = plotdata[pgrp == "obs_hist"], size = 1.1,
    linejoin = "round", lineend = "round"
  ) +
    data = plotdata[pgrp != "obs_hist"], size = 1.1,
    linejoin = "round", lineend = "round"
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = yrbreaks, labels = yrbreaks) +
    values = c(
      "obs_hist" = "grey",
      "proj_hist" = "forestgreen",
      "proj_fut" = "navyblue"
    breaks = c("obs_hist", "proj_hist", "proj_fut")
  ) +
  theme_light() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5)) +
  labs(x = "Year", col = "") +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free", ncol = 1, strip.position = "left", )
Time series outputs from `downscale`. Pannels show mean annual temperature (MAT), total annual precipitation (PPT) and precipitation as snow (PAS). Line colours refer to observed historic values (grey), projected historic values (gren) and future projected values (blue) for a single location, GCM, emissions scenario and model run.

Time series outputs from downscale. Pannels show mean annual temperature (MAT), total annual precipitation (PPT) and precipitation as snow (PAS). Line colours refer to observed historic values (grey), projected historic values (gren) and future projected values (blue) for a single location, GCM, emissions scenario and model run.

Spatial output and plotting options

downscale can also provide outputs in the form of a SpatVector of points and plot the values of a chosen climate variable from the list passed to downscale(..., vars), in this case MAT.

ds_out_spatial <- downscale(
  xyz = xyzDT,
  which_refmap = "auto",
  gcms = "EC-Earth3",
  gcm_periods = "2021_2040",
  ssps = "ssp245",
  max_run = 0,
  return_refperiod = FALSE, ## don't return the 1961-1990 normals period
  out_spatial = TRUE,
  plot = "MAT",
  vars = c("MAT", "PPT", "PAS")

And of course we can now use the vector output to map all variables on top of our DEM raster, for prettier visuals:

vancouver <- get(data("vancouver")) |>

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
  col = hcl.colors(50, palette = "Earth"),
  plg = list(x = "bottom", title = "Elevation"),
  mar = c(4, 1, 1, 4)
plot(vancouver, add = TRUE, col = "black")
plot(ds_out_spatial, "MAT",
  col = hcl.colors(50, palette = "Reds"),
  add = TRUE, type = "continuous",
  plg = list(x = "right", title = "MAT")

  col = hcl.colors(50, palette = "Earth"),
  plg = list(x = "bottom", title = "Elevation"),
  mar = c(4, 1, 1, 4)
plot(vancouver, add = TRUE, col = "black")
plot(ds_out_spatial, "PPT",
  col = hcl.colors(50, palette = "Blues"),
  add = TRUE, type = "continuous",
  plg = list(x = "right", title = "PPT")

Workflow with input_* functions and downscale_core()

Alternatively, a user may choose to run the climate data preparation and downscaling functions separately.

We suggest doing this at least once or twice to have a full understanding of the steps that downscale executes internally.

Steps 1 and 2 bellow download and prepare the climate data used in the downscaling step (Step 3).

We will use the same point locations as above for downscaling.

1) Get climate normals - input_refmap()

When using input_refmap(), we establish a connection to the PostGIS server and pass the bounding box containing the point locations of interest.

There is no “auto” option to select the source of climate normals. list_refmap() provides a list of available options:

  • ‘refmap_climatena’ corresponds to normals for North America obtained from ClimateNA (Wang et al. 2016);

  • ‘refmap_prism’ corresponds to the British Columbia PRISM normals;

  • ‘refmap_climr’ corresponds to a composite of British Columbia PRISM, adjusted US PRISM and DAYMET (Alberta and Saskatchewan), and covers western Canada and western US.

We will use ‘refmap_climr’ has it is the highest resolution product for the area of interest.

#> [1] "refmap_climatena" "refmap_prism"     "refmap_climr"

The extent of the downloaded climate anomalies will often be larger than the extent of the bounding box, and vary depending on the spatial resolution of the data. To demonstrate this we will define a bounding box with a set of coordinates.

Alternatively, get_bb could be used to extract bounding box around the point locations in xyzDT.

dbCon <- data_connect()
the_bb <- c(50, 49, -122, -124)

## alternatively:
# the_bb <- get_bb(xyzDT)

normals <- input_refmap(dbCon,
  bbox = the_bb,
  reference = "refmap_climr"
#> .
Downloaded normals shown with North Vancouver area and the requested bounding box.

Downloaded normals shown with North Vancouver area and the requested bounding box.

2) Get climate projections and/or historical observations

Data for historic and future climate projections can be obtained with the gcm_*() functions. input_gcm_hist() is used to obtain historical anomalies projected with a (or several) GCM, whereas input_gcms() and input_gcm_ssp are used to obtain future anomaly projections for a period or individual years (i.e. time series).

Historical observations for a given period or for individual years can be obtained with input_obs and input_obs_ts, respectively.

hist_proj <- input_gcm_hist(dbCon,
  bbox = the_bb,
  gcms = "EC-Earth3",
  years = 2001:2020,
  max_run = 0
#> .

fut_proj <- input_gcms(dbCon,
  bbox = the_bb,
  gcms = "EC-Earth3",
  ssps = "ssp245",
  period = "2021_2040",
  max_run = 0
#> .

fut_proj_ts <- input_gcm_ssp(dbCon,
  bbox = the_bb,
  gcms = "EC-Earth3",
  ssps = "ssp245",
  years = 2021:2040,
  max_run = 0

hist_obs <- input_obs(dbCon,
  bbox = the_bb,
  period = "2001_2020"
hist_obs_ts <- input_obs_ts(dbCon,
  bbox = the_bb,
  years = 2001:2020
#> ..
Downloaded historical and future anomalies shown with North Vancouver area and the requested bounding box.

Downloaded historical and future anomalies shown with North Vancouver area and the requested bounding box.

3) Downscale and calculate actual values (i.e., not anomalies)

Now that we have all necessary inputs, we can downscale the climate data. To avoid repeating the same lines of code for each input, we’ll use lapply() and to iterate over the several climate inputs to downscale.

Note that for to work, our list of climate inputs (inputs) must be named according to downscale()’s argument names (you can list them with formalArgs(downscale)).

all_downscale <- downscale_core(xyzDT, refmap = normals, gcms = fut_proj, obs = hist_obs, gcm_ssp_ts = fut_proj_ts, gcm_hist_ts = hist_proj, obs_ts = hist_obs_ts, vars = "MAT", out_spatial = FALSE)
#>          id       GCM    SSP          RUN    PERIOD   DATASET       MAT
#>       <int>    <char> <char>       <char>    <char>    <char>     <num>
#>    1:    87      <NA>   <NA>         <NA> 1961_1990      <NA>  9.738779
#>    2:    87      <NA>   <NA>         <NA>      2001 climatena 10.150806
#>    3:    87      <NA>   <NA>         <NA>      2001  cru.gpcc  9.984333
#>    4:    87      <NA>   <NA>         <NA> 2001_2020      <NA> 10.047888
#>    5:    87      <NA>   <NA>         <NA>      2002 climatena 10.290830
#>   ---                                                                  
#> 6772: 12936 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean      2036      <NA> 12.101026
#> 6773: 12936 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean      2037      <NA> 12.002702
#> 6774: 12936 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean      2038      <NA> 11.703712
#> 6775: 12936 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean      2039      <NA> 12.633595
#> 6776: 12936 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean      2040      <NA> 11.836830
‘all_downscale’ table after binding. Outputs are shown for one location (‘id’)
87 NA NA NA 1961_1990 NA 9.738779
87 NA NA NA 2001 climatena 10.150806
87 NA NA NA 2001 cru.gpcc 9.984333
87 NA NA NA 2001_2020 NA 10.047888
87 NA NA NA 2002 climatena 10.290830
87 NA NA NA 2002 cru.gpcc 10.036438
87 NA NA NA 2003 climatena 10.787403
87 NA NA NA 2003 cru.gpcc 10.640336
87 NA NA NA 2004 climatena 11.283665
87 NA NA NA 2004 cru.gpcc 11.016326
87 NA NA NA 2005 climatena 10.855070
87 NA NA NA 2005 cru.gpcc 10.538086
87 NA NA NA 2006 climatena 10.649383
87 NA NA NA 2006 cru.gpcc 10.530076
87 NA NA NA 2007 climatena 10.073401
87 NA NA NA 2007 cru.gpcc 10.017036
87 NA NA NA 2008 climatena 9.741351
87 NA NA NA 2008 cru.gpcc 9.577286
87 NA NA NA 2009 climatena 10.187498
87 NA NA NA 2009 cru.gpcc 9.825328
87 NA NA NA 2010 climatena 10.671701
87 NA NA NA 2010 cru.gpcc 10.446620
87 NA NA NA 2011 climatena 9.568048
87 NA NA NA 2011 cru.gpcc 9.476500
87 NA NA NA 2012 climatena 10.134941
87 NA NA NA 2012 cru.gpcc 9.932001
87 NA NA NA 2013 climatena 10.690569
87 NA NA NA 2013 cru.gpcc 10.568423
87 NA NA NA 2014 climatena 11.165826
87 NA NA NA 2014 cru.gpcc 10.934338
87 NA NA NA 2015 climatena 11.887767
87 NA NA NA 2015 cru.gpcc 11.570501
87 NA NA NA 2016 climatena 11.359098
87 NA NA NA 2016 cru.gpcc 11.228205
87 NA NA NA 2017 climatena 10.517506
87 NA NA NA 2017 cru.gpcc 10.140266
87 NA NA NA 2018 climatena 10.983143
87 NA NA NA 2018 cru.gpcc 10.573661
87 NA NA NA 2019 climatena 10.742770
87 NA NA NA 2019 cru.gpcc 10.109711
87 NA NA NA 2020 climatena 10.749970
87 NA NA NA 2020 cru.gpcc 10.541794
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2001 NA 10.377962
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2002 NA 10.419348
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2003 NA 10.943936
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2004 NA 10.714349
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2005 NA 10.927514
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2006 NA 10.266208
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2007 NA 10.704759
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2008 NA 10.300014
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2009 NA 10.407530
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2010 NA 11.369159
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2011 NA 11.482420
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2012 NA 10.714641
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2013 NA 10.255769
87 EC-Earth3 NA ensembleMean 2014 NA 10.992788
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2021 NA 10.983617
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2021_2040 NA 11.241924
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2022 NA 11.533110
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2023 NA 11.056503
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2024 NA 10.784895
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2025 NA 11.317642
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2026 NA 11.244127
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2027 NA 11.659147
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2028 NA 11.251782
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2029 NA 11.023143
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2030 NA 11.120112
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2031 NA 10.860913
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2032 NA 11.668988
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2033 NA 11.560028
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2034 NA 10.708113
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2035 NA 11.344805
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2036 NA 11.391718
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2037 NA 11.295037
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2038 NA 10.984661
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2039 NA 11.928165
87 EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2040 NA 11.121972


Wang, Tongli, Andreas Hamann, Dave Spittlehouse, and Carlos Carroll. 2016. “Locally Downscaled and Spatially Customizable Climate Data for Historical and Future Periods for North America.” Edited by Inés Álvarez. PLOS ONE 11 (6): e0156720.