We overhauled the naming of functions, parameters, and options to make them more intuitive and internally consistent. You will need to revise the climr code in your workflows to accommodate these changes. A table of correspondence specifying the changes is located at ./data-raw/namingChanges.csv and is viewable by calling data(name_changes).
We changed the climate variable naming convention so that the climate element and the time of year are always separated by an underscore. e.g., Tmin01 becomes Tmin_01; DD_0_01 becomes DDsub0_01. The variables table called by data(variables) now has a field “Code_ClimateNA” with the variable codes used by ClimateBC/NA to allow users to crosswalk the two conventions.
User Actions Required
To implement this new version, users must clear their cache of climate data by running the following line of code: cache_clear(). We will do our best to avoid the need for wholesale cache-clearing in the future.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in the calculation of Hogg’s climatic moisture index (CMI). This error was inherited from an unreported error in Equation 3 of Hogg (1997).
Fixed an error in the calculation of precipitation as snow. The PAS parameters in ClimateNA and climr differ from those originally published in Wang et al. (2016).
fixed an out-of-bounds error that affected user queries close to the coastline.
Added missing future 2015-2100 time series for the GFDL-ESM4 climate model.
Added plot_timeSeries() and plot_timeSeries_input() functions to generate plots of 20th and 21st century climate change for user-selected locations and climate variables.
Added a 1901-2022 observational time series of for the combined Climatic Research Unit TS dataset (for Temperature) and Global Precipitation Climatology Centre dataset (for precipitation).
Extended the ClimateNA observational time series to 1901-2023.
Added a vignette (article) providing guidance for climate model ensemble selection and emissions scenario selection.
Added a vignette (article) on the methods used to select the 13 global climate models provided by climr, and the 8-model ensemble recommended for most purposes.
Known issues
Downloads of time series take a long time. We are looking into ways to speed this up, but until then we recommend users dedicate some time prior to analysis to cache their time series of interest for their areas of interest in a batch. Once the time series are cached, they don’t need to be downloaded again.
Related to the issue of time series download speed, the plot_timeSeries_input() function can take >1hr to run for the first time it is called for a location.
climr 0.0.4
Bug Fixes
Updated future timeseries data to include full 2015-2100 period and added missing models (built some cool bash scrips using parallel to quickly to raster2pgsql conversion for large numbers of files).
Updated historic modelled timeseries to extend to December 31, 2014.
Restructured naming scheme for timeseries data, updated internal dbnames table, and updated postgresql functions to allow hyphens in table names.
Reprocessed future GCM periods to include all of North America.
Fixed bug in plot_bivariate() for focal periods after 2001-2020.
Fixed caching issue where it would fail for very larger numbers of layers (>65000) by saving as .gri binary files.
Added checks for bounding box projection.
climr 0.0.3
new tests comparing to reference outputs
code further streamlined
new messages warn user about meaningless downscale/climr_downscale argument combinations
argument options in climr_downscale(..., which_normal) now match the options of normal_input(..., normal)
add plot_bivariate() function to generate plots showing climate model ensemble variation in recent and future climate change.
new functions list_historic_ts and list_gcm_ts to get available years for historic/future time series
Behaviour changes
xyz (argument to climr_downscale and downscale) and in_xyz (argument to get_bb), must now be a 4 column data.table (or coercible class) with lon, lat, elev and id columns. All other columns are ignored and NOT returned. Column order no longer matters.
cache fixes
fixing geographical checks to get highest resolution beyond BC, Canada
fixing historic_input_ts to get only queried years
get_bb follows column names
climr_downscale now accepts ... to pass arguments to downscale
climr 0.0.2
fixed temperature values of composite anomalies
name of composite anomalies changed to “normal_composite” in normal_input(..., normal).
added vignettes
pkgdown website for climr is live
climr 0.0.1
continuous testing implemented via GitHub Actions
code was cleaned up following tidyverse syntax recommendations
internal function definitions are now avoided
improvements to function documentation
removal of deprecated functions
increased code coverage
some code streamlining
added new composite climatologies of Western Canada and Western US.
fixed examples
fixed incomplete changing of package name (climRpnw to climr)
added missing pkg imports
fixed caching problem where cached objects were not being retrieved when the PostGIS server was unavailable
fixed model names in PostGIS server, which fixed bugs in gcm_hist_input and gcm_ts_input.