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Using the downscale() function

The basic use of climr is to pass a data.table of point coordinates, IDs and elevation to downscale() and select the type of climate projection or values wanted - e.g. below we ask for future projections in two periods, using two emissions scenarios and two General Circulation Models. We also specify we want 3 individual runs of each model/scenario combination, in addition to the ensemble mean (returned by default).


## provide a data.frame or data.table of point coordinates, IDs and elevation
my_points <- data.frame(
  lon = c(-123.4404, -123.5064, -124.2317),
  lat = c(48.52631, 48.46807, 49.21999),
  elev = c(52, 103, 357),
  id = LETTERS[1:3]

## climr query for the data.frame
ds_out <- downscale(
  xyz = my_points, which_refmap = "auto",
  gcms = c("GFDL-ESM4", "EC-Earth3"), # specify two global climate models
  ssps = c("ssp370", "ssp245"), # specify two greenhouse gas concentration scenarios
  gcm_periods = c("2001_2020", "2041_2060"), # specify two 20-year periods
  max_run = 3, # specify 3 individual runs for each model
  vars = c("PPT", "CMD", "CMI")
#> ...

The resulting output is a data.table, printed below:

‘ds_out’ table - Output from downscale. Outputs are shown for one location (‘id’)
A NA NA NA 1961_1990 970.3429 343.4490 43.57850
A EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2001_2020 972.1767 373.8551 39.70240
A EC-Earth3 ssp245 ensembleMean 2041_2060 1006.1585 406.6225 36.52084
A EC-Earth3 ssp245 r15i1p1f1 2001_2020 965.3922 371.3933 39.49866
A EC-Earth3 ssp245 r15i1p1f1 2041_2060 997.9423 401.6324 37.44849
A EC-Earth3 ssp245 r1i1p1f1 2001_2020 978.3516 340.3457 42.50610
A EC-Earth3 ssp245 r1i1p1f1 2041_2060 1095.8585 415.1882 45.08819
A EC-Earth3 ssp245 r4i1p1f1 2001_2020 951.6959 388.9020 36.72670
A EC-Earth3 ssp245 r4i1p1f1 2041_2060 975.7146 416.2682 33.07894
A EC-Earth3 ssp370 ensembleMean 2001_2020 958.5241 376.4395 37.49181
A EC-Earth3 ssp370 ensembleMean 2041_2060 1018.8533 389.9082 38.46388
A EC-Earth3 ssp370 r15i1p1f1 2001_2020 964.1214 382.3330 37.78381
A EC-Earth3 ssp370 r15i1p1f1 2041_2060 1040.4095 382.6898 40.58923
A EC-Earth3 ssp370 r1i1p1f1 2001_2020 913.8905 362.4083 34.85644
A EC-Earth3 ssp370 r1i1p1f1 2041_2060 960.7842 400.2238 31.74355
A EC-Earth3 ssp370 r4i1p1f1 2001_2020 981.5158 369.9150 39.62014
A EC-Earth3 ssp370 r4i1p1f1 2041_2060 1082.2457 367.2968 45.98450
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp245 ensembleMean 2001_2020 968.7068 361.9188 40.77159
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp245 ensembleMean 2041_2060 1027.3375 404.7300 39.50524
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp245 r1i1p1f1 2001_2020 969.7772 341.8364 42.13517
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp245 r1i1p1f1 2041_2060 1012.5613 398.5545 37.81111
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp245 r2i1p1f1 2001_2020 958.3115 373.1771 39.21174
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp245 r2i1p1f1 2041_2060 1040.4092 407.5354 41.39380
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp245 r3i1p1f1 2001_2020 978.0317 370.7409 40.93326
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp245 r3i1p1f1 2041_2060 1029.0421 408.1012 39.30621
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp370 ensembleMean 2001_2020 968.2722 355.0187 41.47202
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp370 ensembleMean 2041_2060 1007.8247 381.8216 39.58630
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp370 r1i1p1f1 2001_2020 968.2722 355.0187 41.47202
A GFDL-ESM4 ssp370 r1i1p1f1 2041_2060 1007.8247 381.8216 39.58630

Listing available options

The list_* functions (see ?list_gcm) are useful to see available options, for example:

#>  [1] "ACCESS-ESM1-5" "BCC-CSM2-MR"   "CanESM5"       "CNRM-ESM2-1"  
#>  [5] "EC-Earth3"     "GFDL-ESM4"     "GISS-E2-1-G"   "INM-CM5-0"    
#>  [9] "IPSL-CM6A-LR"  "MIROC6"        "MPI-ESM1-2-HR" "MRI-ESM2-0"   
#> [13] "UKESM1-0-LL"
#> [1] "2001_2020" "2021_2040" "2041_2060" "2061_2080" "2081_2100"
#> [1] "ssp126" "ssp245" "ssp370" "ssp585"

These functions can be used as arguments in downscale(). For example, vars = list_variables() could be specified to obtain data for all available variables, or gcms = list_gcm()[c(1,4,5,6,7,10,11,12)] could be used to specify the eight-gcm ensemble recommended by Mahony et al. (2022).

Working with raster data

A common use of climr is to obtain climate data for a user-provided raster grid. Here is some sample code showing how to do so. We convert a digital elevation model (DEM) into a table of points (one per grid cell) which we use as the climr input table. Then we take the climr input and populate the raster grid with a climate variable.


## get the sample digital elevation model (dem) provided with `climr`
dem_vancouver <- get(data("dem_vancouver")) |> 

## convert the DEM to a data.frame
my_grid <-, cells = TRUE, xy = TRUE)
colnames(my_grid) <- c("id", "lon", "lat", "elev") # rename column names to what climr expects

## A simple climr query. This will return the observed 1961-1990 and 2001-2020 mean annual temperature (MAT) for the raster grid points. 
ds_out <- downscale(
  xyz = my_grid, 
  obs_periods = "2001_2020", 
  vars = c("MAT")
#> ..

## populate the raster grid with the downscaled climate values
my_clim <- rast(dem_vancouver) # use the DEM as a template raster
my_clim[ds_out[PERIOD == "2001_2020", id]] <- ds_out[PERIOD == "2001_2020", MAT] # populate the raster cells with the 2001-2020 mean annual temperature (MAT) values, using the `id` field as the link. 

plot(my_clim, main = "2001-2020 mean annual temperature (MAT)")

See vignette("vignettes/climr_with_rasters.Rmd") for more details on using climr with rasters and spatial data.

Looking under the hood

You can download and investigate the raw data that climr uses for downscaling, such as the reference climatological maps, the observational time series, and the GCM anomalies. See the section “Workflow with *_input functions and downscale” in vignette("vignettes/climr_workflow_int.Rmd") for an example.