Course Outline
Pre-Workshop Installation and Set Up
Learning Objective: Set up a GitHub account and install git (pre-workshop).
Instructions: Installation and Set-Up
Assignment: Pre-Workshop Assignment
Topics/Learning Outcomes:
- Download Git for Windows and bundled software (includes Git Bash) (PC only)
- Download Git for Mac installer (Mac only)
- Create a GitHub account with m2FA, PAT for https connection
- Configure git
- Pre-workshop assignment to show local configuration and connection to GitHub
Course Reference Material:
Section 1. Introductions and What is Version Control?
Learning Objective: Understand the value-add of using version control and the the basics of how automated version control systems work.
- How version control systems work
- What is a repository?
- What is the value-add of using version control in teams? individually?
Course Reference Material:
Section 2. Working Locally with Git
Learning Objective: Use command-line git to track local file changes.
- Default branch naming (inclusive language)
- What is Bash
- Bash-specific commands: mkdir, rm -r, cd, ls
- Git Bash commands: init, commit, add, status, log
- Directory structure
- Tracking changes made to a text doc
- What to do when when -m is omitted.
Course Reference Material:
Section 3. Remote Code Hosting and GitHub
Learning Objective: What are remote hosting platforms and why do we use them?
- More on secure authentication/login: username/password/2FA to sign in to account, PAT to authenticate
- Git Bash commands: push, pull
- Create a remote repository
- Clone a remote repostitory
- Push local changes to GitHub.
- .gitgnore and subdirectories (we don’t want ppl pushing data to GitHub)
- .gitkeep (time permitting)
Course Reference Material:
Section 4. BCGov GitHub Organization
Learning Objective: Understand how the bcgov framework, policy and related tools help B.C. government employees share code on GitHub
- what is the
organization framework bcgov
policy framework and licensing
Course Reference Material:
- SW Carpentry Episode 10. Open Science
- SW Carpentry Episode 11. Licensing
- SW Carpentry Episode 12. Citation
- SW Carpentry Episode 13. Hosting
Further Links to bcgov
Organization Resources: