This website provides information relating to a range of services and open-source software components created by the Common Service Showcase team. We aim to promote, curate, develop, and make it easy to onboard to our hosted services or integrate our micro-services and common components into your own applications. The goal is to reduce costs, accelerate development, and promote consistency and supportability of BC Gov digital services.


Find a component or service that meets your business needs


Test our services on a hosted instance or showcase app


Implement by selecting an onboarding option

  • Hosted Services: Single sign-on, Dev, Test and Prod environments
  • Reusable Components: Open-source GitHub repos and packages
  • Shared Code: Flexibility to choose micro services (rather than a platform)
  • Tested Instructions with comprehensive documentation
  • Highly Reliable: Supported by the experienced team of developers on an Agile team in NRIDS

components Available Common Components