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Resource metrics

Resource Metrics Setup

For Registry to get metrics from Prometheus, the following things are needed:

  • a Service Account registry-metrics-reader
  • the cluster role and rolebinding for the SA to access metrics from all namespaces
  • a non-rotating service account token secret registry-metrics-reader-sa-token that can be used for Prometheus query

These are created as part of the CCM from

As a admin of the cluster, to obtain the SA token for the query and test it out:

# log to the cluster:
oc login --token=<token> --server=https://api.<cluster>
# get the token:
export REGISTRY_TOKEN=$(oc get secret registry-metrics-reader-sa-token -n gitops-tools -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)
# check token:
# test query (this is just an example, make sure to update the URL and query used for different environments)
curl \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $REGISTRY_TOKEN" \
-d 'query=sum(pod:container_cpu_usage:sum{namespace="e9b123-prod", pod=~"getok-app.*"})' \