flowchart TB
A((#quot;Product Team#quot; creates<br>a new product<br>with billing details))
A --> B{System checks<br>if the account coding<br>already exists}
B -->|If exists| B1A(Checkbox displayed:<br>'Our records show that your team already has a signed MoU with OCIO for AWS/Azure use.<br>This new product will be added to the existing MoU.<br>A copy of the signed MoU for this product will be emailed to the Ministry Expense Authority.')
B1A --> B1B(Submit form)
B1B --> C
B -->|If not exists| B2A(Submit form)
B2A --> B2B(Send eMOU signing request<br>email to #quot;Expense Authority#quot;)
B2B --> B2C(#quot;Expense Authority#quot; logs in<br>and signs the eMOU)
B2C --> B2D(Send eMOU review request<br>email to #quot;Cloud Expense Authority Director#quot;)
B2D --> B2E(#quot;Cloud Expense Authority Director#quot; logs in<br>and approves the eMOU)
B2E --> C(Send new product review request email to #quot;Public Cloud Admin#quot;)
C --> D(#quot;Public Cloud Admin#quot; logs in<br>and approves the new product request)
D --> E[Workspace is provisioned<br>with billing information non-editable]