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Email scenarios public cloud

Email Scenarios

Public Cloud

Scenario 1. Product Create Request

Description: A new or existing user submits a request via the registry to have a product on the Public Cloud Landing Zone. This is assuming the user has already had an onboarding meeting, and meets the requirements for submitting a create request. Upon submitting the create request, the following emails may trigger.

  1. Notification sent to admins containing:

    1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s)/EA)
    2. Landing Zone Details (Provider, Budget details, Account Coding)
    3. First/Last name of a user who actioned the request

  2. Notification sent to Product PO/TL(s) containing:

    1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s)/EA)
    2. Landing Zone Details (Provider, Budget details, Account Coding)

  3. Decision: Create request Approval/Rejection by Admin

  4. 3a.I. Approval sent to PO/TLs containing:

    1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s)/EA)
    2. Landing Zone Details (Provider, Budget details, Account Coding)

  5. 3a.II. Notification sent to Expense Authority containing:

    1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s)/EA, Licence Plate)

  6. 3b. Rejection sent to PO/TLs containing:

    1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s)/EA)
    2. Admin review comments

 flowchart LR
    A((User Submits a <br> Create Request)) --> B(PublicCloudAdminCreateRequest<br>PublicCloudCreateRequest)
    B --> C{Admin decides on the create request}
    C -->|Create Request Approved and Provisioned| D(PublicCloudRequestProvisioned<br>ExpenseAuthorityNotification)
    C -->|Create Request Rejected| E(PublicCloudCreateRejected)

Scenario 2. Edit Request

Description: A PO/TLs of a product submits a request changing some details of the existing product. Since there is no decision process for editing a product, a summary of the previous and updated changes are triggered.

  1. Summary sent to PO/TLs containing:

    1. User Comments
    2. Description Changes (Name, Description, Ministry)
    3. Contact Changes
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Account Coding Changes

  2. If EX changed summary sent to EA containing:

  1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s)/EA, Licence Plate)
   flowchart LR
     A((User Submits an <br> Edit Request)) --> |Request Provisioned|B(Edit Request Received sent to PO/TLs)
   B(PublicCloudEditSummary) --> C{EX changed}
    C -->|EX was changed| D(ExpenseAuthorityNotification)

Scenario 3. Delete request is submitted

Description: When a PO/TLs of a product are ready to decomission their product off the Public Cloud Landing Zone the user can submit a delete request and thus the following emails may trigger.

  1. A notification sent to admins containing:

    1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s))
    2. Landing Zone Details (Provider, Budget details, Account Coding)
    3. First/Last name of a user who actioned the request

  2. A summary sent to PO/TLs containing:

    1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s))
    2. Landing Zone Details (Provider, Budget details, Account Coding)

  3. Decision: Product Deletion Approval/Rejecton by admins

  4. 3a. Approval confirmation sent to PO/TLs containing:

    1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s)/EA)
    2. Landing Zone Details (Provider, Budget details, Account Coding)

  5. 3a. Rejection sent to PO/TLs containing:
    1. Product Details (Name, Description, Ministry, Contacts of PO/TL(s)/EA)
    2. Review comments
flowchart LR
    A((User submits a <br> delete request)) --> B(PublicCloudAdminDeleteRequest<br>PublicCloudDeleteRequest)
    B --> C{Admin decides on the request}
    C -->|Request approved| D(PublicCloudDeleteApproved)
    C -->|Request rejected| E(PublicCloudDeleteRejected)