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Renovate Bot PR Review

Renovate Bot is our tool for automatically updating dependencies. However, a manual PR review process is necessary when the bot creates PRs for dependency updates.

Review Criteria

When reviewing a Renovate Bot PR, consider the following to assess whether it's safe to merge into the main branch:

  1. Area of Usage Identify where the tool or package is used:

  2. Application production

  3. Application development
  4. Sandbox services
  5. Terraform
  6. Helm charts
  7. Continuous integration/Code quality
  8. Low-level tools

  9. Functionality Understand what the tool or package does within the identified area.

  10. Upgrade Level Determine the upgrade type: major, minor, or patch.

  11. Pipeline Checks Review if any checks are related to the changes and ensure they pass.

Based on these criteria, assess the risk to decide whether to merge the PR.

Handling Failed Checks

If a pipeline check fails after an upgrade, it indicates a potential breaking change. Investigate the specific failed check and review the detailed error message to identify the root cause. If a codebase change is required, check out the PR branch locally to debug and make the necessary updates directly on the PR branch.