A Forest Landscape Plan (FLP) is a strategic plan for managing forests in a specific area of British Columbia. The plans:

  • Guide activities like timber harvesting, road construction, and environmental protection
  • Consider factors like climate change and the needs of Indigenous Nations
  • Involve partnerships with Indigenous groups and local communities, and
  • Promote transparency and sustainable forest management in line with Indigenous rights

FLPs replace Forest Stewardship Plans and are part of a new forest management system.

A Forest Operations Plan (FOP) translates the goals of an FLP into specific operational strategies and protocols. This helps to ensure that forest management aligns with sustainability and regulatory requirements. Team Heartwood is working to develop a digital tool to support the creation of FOPs. The team is now:

  • Conducting, transcribing, and analyzing interviews with users, including Indigenous Nations
  • Uncovering themes
  • Creating user journeys and personas, and
  • Investigating technical feasibility of various spatial map layers