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Readiness Checklist

Explore potential use cases for digital trust technology in your service area. Launch Miro Activity

Activity overview

đź•› Time: 45+ minutes
🙌 Casting: Project team
🔨 Tool: Miro

Use for: Determine readiness for Discover phase
When: At the end of ALIGN phase
With: Team lead(s)

Activity Guide​

This checklist enables you to evaluate whether you’re ready to move your digital trust technology use case into the DISCOVER phase. Use the document above to assess your preparedness and ensure that you have everything you need to move ahead effectively.

What’s It For:​

Reflecting on whether you are ready to move to DISCOVER phase.

What You’ll Get:​

Identifying any potential gaps that need to be filled to meet the prerequisites of the DISCOVER phase.

When To Do It:​

When all other ALIGN activities have been completed and there is a desire to continue to the DISCOVER phase.

How it Works​

Before You Start This Activity​

  1. Review the Checklist: Identify questions where you need your team’s or your organization’s input.
  2. Fill Out the Checklist: Complete the different sections of the checklist, with support from your team or your organization as needed.

What’s Next​

  • If you identified readiness gaps through the checklist:
    • Work with your team and organization to address gaps before moving to the next phase.
    • Consider sending your checklist alongside questions or concerns to for further guidance.
  • If you feel confident and ready to proceed: