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Ideation Workshop

Explore potential use cases for digital trust technology in your service area. Launch Miro Activity →

Activity overview

🕛 Time: 60+ minutes
🙌 Casting: Project team
🔨 Tool: Miro

Use for: Determine potential use cases
When: Early brainstorming stage
With: Everyone involved in the project

Activity Guide​

This workshop template enables you to explore potential use cases for digital trust technology in the context of your organization. Use the Miro board to generate use case ideas, prioritize them and consider how aligned they are with your organization’s overarching goals.

What’s It For:​

Understand the concept of digital credentials and the benefits of digital trust technology. Brainstorm use case ideas and prioritize them.

What You’ll Get:​

A list of use cases to consider, prioritized by impact, effort and alignment with your organization’s overarching goals.

When To Do It:​

When there is curiosity to leverage the potential of digital trust for your organization (early brainstorming stage).

How it Works​

Before You Start This Activity​

  • Identify relevant meeting participants
  • Schedule a session
  1. Review the Template:
    Begin by exploring the Miro board's layout, designed to guide you in the process of brainstorming use case ideas.
  2. Adjust to Meet Your Needs:
    The workshop agenda and activities can be adjusted depending on the session length and available information.
  3. Facilitate Workshop:
    Use the board as a guide to achieve the workshop objectives.

What’s Next​

  • Using the ‘Next Steps’ section at the end of the workshop, document and assign action items
  • Planning the implementation of one or more use case ideas by exploring additional guidance and activities in the Align section of the Delivery Manual