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This article presents a couple examples of general workflows in R alone (without using the app), running through the various steps using the functions directly.

This gives you a bit more flexibility in how you explore and/or filter your data.

Let’s work through a couple of examples (note these examples are presented for illustration, but the shape files are not included in the package).

Clinton Creek

Load a shape file defining the region of interest

creek_sf <- st_read("misc/data/Clinton_Creek.shp")

Fetch Lidar DEM (this may take a while the first time)

creek_lidar <- dem_region(creek_sf)
#> Get Lidar data
#> Saving new tiles to cache directory: ~/.local/share/bcaquiferdata
#> Checking for matching tifs
#> Fetching bc_092p002_xli1m_utm10_2019.tif - skipping (new_only = TRUE)
#> Fetching bc_092p013_xli1m_utm10_2019.tif - skipping (new_only = TRUE)
#> Fetching bc_092p012_xli1m_utm10_2019.tif - skipping (new_only = TRUE)
#> Fetching bc_092i092_xli1m_utm10_2019.tif - skipping (new_only = TRUE)
#> Fetching bc_092p003_xli1m_utm10_2019.tif - skipping (new_only = TRUE)
#> Cropping DEM to region

Plot to double check

#> downsample set to 44

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Collect wells in this region with added elevation from Lidar

creek_wells <- creek_sf |>
  wells_subset() |>        # Subset to region
  wells_elev(creek_lidar)  # Add Lidar
#> Subset wells
#> Add elevation

Plot again to double check

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = creek_sf) +
  geom_sf(data = creek_wells, size= 1, aes(colour = elev))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Export data for Strater, Voxler, and ArcHydro

wells_export(creek_wells, id = "clinton", type = "strater")
#> Writing Strater files ./clinton_strater_lith.csv, ./clinton_strater_collars.csv, ./clinton_strater_wls.csv
#> [1] "./clinton_strater_lith.csv"    "./clinton_strater_collars.csv" "./clinton_strater_wls.csv"
wells_export(creek_wells, id = "clinton", type = "voxler")
#> Writing Voxler file ./clinton_voxler.csv
#> [1] "./clinton_voxler.csv"
wells_export(creek_wells, id = "clinton", type = "archydro")
#> Writing ArcHydro files ./clinton_archydro_well.csv, ./clinton_archydro_hguid.csv, ./clinton_archydro_bh.csv
#> [1] "./clinton_archydro_well.csv"  "./clinton_archydro_hguid.csv" "./clinton_archydro_bh.csv"

Mill Bay Watershed

Load a shape file defining the region of interest

mill_sf <- st_read("misc/data/MillBayWatershed.shp")

We’ll check against some tiles

g <- ggplot() +
  annotation_map_tile(type = "osm", zoomin = -1) +
  geom_sf(data = mill_sf, fill = NA, linewidth = 1.5) +
  labs(caption = "Data from OpenStreet Map")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

Fetch Lidar DEM (this may take a while the first time)

mill_lidar <- dem_region(mill_sf)
#> Get Lidar data
#> Saving new tiles to cache directory: ~/.local/share/bcaquiferdata
#> Checking for matching tifs
#> Fetching bc_092b063_xl1m_utm10_2019.tif - skipping (new_only = TRUE)
#> Fetching bc_092b062_xl1m_utm10_2019.tif - skipping (new_only = TRUE)
#> Cropping DEM to region

Add to our plot to double check

mill_lidar_sf <- stars::st_downsample(mill_lidar, n = 12) |> # Downsample first
  st_as_sf(as_points = FALSE, merge = TRUE)         # Convert to polygons
#> for stars_proxy objects, downsampling only happens for dimensions x and y

g + geom_sf(data = mill_lidar_sf, aes(fill = elev), colour = NA)
#> Zoom: 13

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

Looks like we don’t have elevation data for the whole region. This can be confirmed by checking the online LidarBC map

Let’s take a look our our options using TRIM data.

mill_trim <- dem_region(mill_sf, type = "trim")
#> Get TRIM data
#> checking your existing tiles for mapsheet 92b are up to date
#> Cropping DEM to region

Add to our plot to double check

mill_trim_sf <- mill_trim |>
  st_as_sf(as_points = FALSE, merge = TRUE)         # Convert to polygons

g + geom_sf(data = mill_trim_sf, aes(fill = elev), colour = NA)
#> Zoom: 13

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

TRIM is at a coarser resolution, but covers our entire area. Let’s use it instead.

Collect wells in this region with added elevation from TRIM.

mill_wells <- mill_sf |>
  wells_subset() |>
#> Subset wells
#> Add elevation

Plot again to double check, see that we now elevation data for all wells.

g +
  geom_sf(data = mill_wells, size = 1, aes(colour = elev)) +
  scale_color_viridis_c(na.value = "red")
#> Zoom: 13

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16

Export data for Strater, Voxler, and ArcHydro

wells_export(mill_wells, id = "mill", type = "strater")
#> Writing Strater files ./mill_strater_lith.csv, ./mill_strater_collars.csv, ./mill_strater_wls.csv
#> [1] "./mill_strater_lith.csv"    "./mill_strater_collars.csv" "./mill_strater_wls.csv"
wells_export(mill_wells, id = "mill", type = "voxler")
#> Writing Voxler file ./mill_voxler.csv
#> [1] "./mill_voxler.csv"
wells_export(mill_wells, id = "mill", type = "archydro")
#> Writing ArcHydro files ./mill_archydro_well.csv, ./mill_archydro_hguid.csv, ./mill_archydro_bh.csv
#> [1] "./mill_archydro_well.csv"  "./mill_archydro_hguid.csv" "./mill_archydro_bh.csv"

Extra tools

Load cleaned data (will fetch if doesn’t already exist)

wells_lith <- data_read("lithology")

Explore the lithology standardization performed by bcaquiferdata

lith_std <- wells_lith |>
  select(well_tag_number, contains("lith")) |>
#> # A tibble: 618,156 × 17
#>    well_tag_number lithology_from_ft_bgl lithology_to_ft_bgl lithology_raw_data                 lithology_description…¹
#>              <dbl>                 <dbl>               <dbl> <chr>                              <chr>                  
#>  1              11                   164                 187 "red ash"                          <NA>                   
#>  2              13                     1                 120 "\""                               <NA>                   
#>  3              49                     0                  15  <NA>                              <NA>                   
#>  4              62                     0                   0 "backfilled to 217 foot deep well" <NA>                   
#>  5              73                    25                 170 "delimite w/copper ore"            <NA>                   
#>  6              73                   190                 380 "copper ore w/delimite"            <NA>                   
#>  7              88                     0                  65  <NA>                              <NA>                   
#>  8              98                     0                  15  <NA>                              <NA>                   
#>  9             105                     0                  15  <NA>                              <NA>                   
#> 10             163                   200                 210 "gray,clean a little coarser"      <NA>                   
#> # ℹ 618,146 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​lithology_description_code
#> # ℹ 12 more variables: lithology_material_code <chr>, lithology_hardness_code <chr>, lithology_colour_code <chr>,
#> #   lithology_observation <chr>, lithology_from_m <dbl>, lithology_to_m <dbl>, lithology_clean <chr>,
#> #   lith_primary <chr>, lith_secondary <chr>, lith_tertiary <chr>, lithology_extra <chr>, lithology_category <chr>

Save it to peruse later

write_csv(lith_std, "lith_categorization.csv")