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This function takes a shape file of a region and creates a DEM of the region. Lidar data is stored locally as tiles. Tiles are only downloaded if they don't already exist unless only_new = FALSE. TRIM data is obtained via the bcmaps package and stored locally as tiles. Note: TRIM elevation is coarser than Lidar Use Lidar unless it is missing for your region of interest.


  type = "lidar",
  buffer = 1,
  lidar_dir = NULL,
  only_new = TRUE,
  progress = httr::progress()



sf simple features object. Shape file of the region of interest.


Character. Type of DEM to download, either "lidar" or "trim". Use Lidar unless unavailable.


Numeric. Percent buffer to apply to the region spatial file before cropping the DEM data to match. Increase this value if you find that wells on the edge of your area aren't been matched to elevations when using wells_elev().


Character. File path of where Lidar tiles should be stored. Defaults to the cache directory. Only applies when type = "lidar".


Logical. Whether to download all Lidar tiles, or only new tiles that don't exist locally. Defaults to TRUE. Only apples when type = "lidar".


Function. Progress bar to use. Generally leave as is.


stars spatiotemporal array object


Lidar tiles are the newest tile available. If you have reason to need a historical file, contact the team to discuss your use case.

Data Source

Lidar data is obtained from the LidarBC portal. The tiles data frame contains is an internally created data frame listing tiles and their respective download locations. Tiles to download are selected based on overlap between map tiles and the provided shapefile (region). These Lidar tiles can be browsed and downloaded manually via the LidarBC Open LiDAR Data Portal

The grid of map tiles is obtained from the BC Data Catalogue, BCGS 1:20,000 Grid

TRIM data is obtained via the bcmaps package from the BC government Data Catalogue based on overlap between map tiles and the provided shapefile (region).


if (FALSE) { # interactive()


# Load a shape file defining the region of interest
creek_sf <- st_read("misc/data/Clinton_Creek.shp")

# Fetch Lidar DEM
creek_lidar <- dem_region(creek_sf)


# Fetch TRIM DEM
creek_trim <- dem_region(creek_sf, type = "trim")

