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This function downloads, updates or loads locally stored data. Currently this function returns wells, wells_sf, or lithology data. Note that these data are originally from GWELLS, but are cleaned and summarized for use in the bcaquiferdata package. For example wells_sf is a spatial version of the data, and lithology is a cleaned and standardized version of lithology. wells also contains the new standardized lithology data, along with the original lithology observations and intermediate classification steps to simplify error tracing.


data_read(type, update = FALSE, permission = FALSE)



Character. Type of data to return, one of wells, wells_sf, or lithology


Logical. Force update of the data?


Logical. Permission to create the cache folder. If FALSE, user is asked for permission, if TRUE, permission is implied.


Data frame or spatial features object of the requested data.


Under normal circumstances, users will not need to use this function as it is used internally by the main workflow functions. However, users may wish to overview entire datasets.

Bear in mind that the lithology cleaning and standardizing, while better than the original data, will almost certainly still have errors!


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
wells <- data_read("wells")