NotifyBC can be installed in 3 ways:
For the purpose of evaluation, both source code and docker container will do. For production, the recommendation is one of
- deploying to Kubernetes
- setting up a load balanced app cluster from source code build; install MongoDB replica set and Redis with Sentinel separately
To setup a development environment in order to contribute to NotifyBC, installing from source code is preferred.
Deploy locally from Source Code
System Requirements
- Software
- Git
- Node.js@>=18
- openssl (if enable HTTPS)
- Docker Desktop on Windows only and for evaluation only
- Services
- MongoDB with replica set, required for production
- Redis, required for production
- A standard SMTP server to deliver outgoing email, required for production if email is enabled.
- A tcp proxy server such as nginx stream proxy if list-unsubscribe by email is needed and NotifyBC server cannot expose port 25 to internet
- A SMS service provider if needs to enable SMS channel. The supported service providers are
- Twilio (default)
- Swift
- SiteMinder, if needs SiteMinder authentication
- An OIDC provider, if needs OIDC authentication
- Network and Permissions
- Minimum runtime firewall requirements:
- outbound to MongoDB if you use a hosted service
- outbound to Redis if you use a hosted service
- outbound to your ISP DNS server
- outbound to any on port 80 and 443 in order to run build scripts and send SMS messages
- outbound to any on SMTP port 25 if using direct mail; for SMTP relay, outbound to your configured SMTP server and port only
- inbound to listening port (3000 by default) from other authorized server ips
- if NotifyBC instance will handle anonymous subscription from client browser, the listening port should be open to internet either directly or indirectly through a reverse proxy; If NotifyBC instance will only handle SiteMinder authenticated webapp requests, the listening port should NOT be open to internet. Instead, it should only open to SiteMinder web agent reverse proxy.
- If list-unsubscribe by email is needed, then one of the following must be met
- NotifyBC can bind to port 25 opening to internet
- a tcp proxy server of which port 25 is open to internet. This proxy server can reach NotifyBC on a tcp port.
- Minimum runtime firewall requirements:
Installation approach differs by your purpose
for evaluation,
- internet connection is required
- Docker Desktop must be running if you localhost is Windows
- run following commands
docker run --rm --pull always -dp 6379:6379 redis # only on Windows git clone cd NotifyBC npm i && npm run build npx cross-env NOTIFYBC_WORKER_PROCESS_COUNT=1 npm run start
- wait till console displays
Server is running at
- browse to http://localhost:3000
for production,
- install MongoDB with replica set or obtain a hosted service
- install Redis, preferably with Sentinel or obtain a hosted service
- run
git clone cd NotifyBC
- follow Database to setup connection to MongoDB
- follow Queue to setup connection to Redis
- follow Configuration Overview to customize other required configs
- run
npm i && npm run build npm run start
- wait till console displays
Server is running at
- browse to http://localhost:3000
The above commands installs the main version, i.e. main branch tip of NotifyBC GitHub repository. To install a specific version, say v6.0.3, run
git checkout tags/v6.0.3 -b v6.0.3
after cd NotifyBC
. A list of versions can be found here.
install from behind firewall
If you want to install on a server behind firewall which restricts internet connection, you can work around the firewall as long as you have access to a http(s) forward proxy server. Assuming the proxy server is http://my_proxy:8080 which proxies both http and https requests, to use it:
For Linux
export http_proxy=http://my_proxy:8080 export https_proxy=http://my_proxy:8080 git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
For Windows
git config --global http.proxy http://my_proxy:8080 git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git:// npm config set proxy http://my_proxy:8080
Install Windows Service
After get the app running interactively, if your server is Windows and you want to install the app as a Windows service, run
npm install -g node-windows
npm link node-windows
node windows-service.js
This will create and start service notifyBC. To change service name, modify file windows-service.js before running it. See node-windows for other operations such as uninstalling the service.
Deploy to Kubernetes
NotifyBC provides a container package in GitHub Container Registry and a Helm chart to facilitate Deploying to Kubernetes. Azure AKS and OpenShift are the two tested platforms. Other Kubernetes platforms are likely to work subject to customizations. Before deploying to AKS, create an ingress controller .
The deployment can be initiated from localhost or automated by CI service such as Jenkins. Regardless, at the initiator's side following software needs to be installed:
- git
- Platform-specific CLI such as Azure CLI or OpenShift CLI
- Helm CLI
To install,
Follow your platform's instruction to login to the platform. For AKS, run
az login
andaz aks get-credentials
; for OpenShift, runoc login
git clone cd NotifyBC helm install -gf helm/platform-specific/<platform>.yaml helm
replace <platform> with openshift or aks depending on your platform.
The above commands create following artifacts:
- 1 stateful set of 3 pods running a MongoDB replicaset
- 1 stateful set of 3 pods running a Redis sentinel
- 2 deployments - notify-bc-app and notify-bc-cron
- 1 HPA - notify-bc-cron
- 5 services - notify-bc, notify-bc-smtp, mongodb-headless, redis and redis-headless
- 3 PVCs each for one MongoDB pod
- 3 service accounts - notify-bc, mongodb and redis
- a few config maps, most importantly notify-bc
- a few secrets, most importantly mongodb and redis, containing credentials for Mongodb and Redis respectively
- On AKS,
- a notify-bc ingress
- On OpenShift,
- 2 routes - notify-bc-web and notify-bc-smtp
To upgrade,
helm upgrade <release-name> -f helm/platform-specific/<platform>.yaml --set mongodb.auth.rootPassword=<mongodb-root-password> --set mongodb.auth.replicaSetKey=<mongodb-replica-set-key> --set mongodb.auth.password=<mongodb-password> helm
replace <release-name> with installed helm release name and <platform> with openshift or aks depending on your platform. MongoDB credentials <mongodb-root-password>, <mongodb-replica-set-key> and <mongodb-password> can be found in secret <release-name>-mongodb. It is recommended to specify mongodb credentials in a file rather than command line. See Customizations below.
To uninstall,
helm uninstall <release-name>
replace <release-name> with installed helm release name.
Various customizations can be made to chart. Some are platform dependent. To customize, first create a file with extension .local.yaml. The rest of the document assumes the file is helm/values.local.yaml. Then add customized parameters to the file. See helm/values.yaml and Bitnami MongoDB chart readme for customizable parameters. Parameters in helm/values.local.yaml overrides corresponding ones in helm/values.yaml. In particular, parameters under mongodb of helm/values.local.yaml overrides Bitnami MongoDB chart parameters.
To apply customizations, add -f helm/values.local.yaml
to the helm command after -f helm/platform-specific/<platform>.yaml
. For example, to install chart with customization on OpenShift,
helm install -gf helm/platform-specific/openshift.yaml -f helm/values.local.yaml helm
to upgrade an existing release with customization on OpenShift,
helm upgrade <release-name> -f helm/platform-specific/openshift.yaml -f helm/values.local.yaml helm
Backup helm/values.local.yaml
Backup helm/values.local.yaml to a private secured SCM is highly recommended, especially for production environment.
Following are some common customizations
Update config.local.js in ConfigMap, for example to define httpHost
# in file helm/values.local.yaml configMap: config.local.js: |- module.exports = { httpHost: '', }
Set hostname on AKS,
# in file helm/values.local.yaml ingress: hosts: - host: paths: - path: /
Use Let's Encrypt on AKS. After following the instructions in the link, add following ingress customizations to file helm/values.local.yaml
# in file helm/values.local.yaml ingress: annotations: letsencrypt tls: - secretName: tls-secret hosts: - notify-bc.local
Route host names on Openshift are by default auto-generated. To set to fixed values
# in file helm/values.local.yaml route: web: host: '' smtp: host: ''
Add certificates to OpenShift web route
# in file helm/values.local.yaml route: web: tls: caCertificate: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- certificate: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect key: |- -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
NotifyBC chart depends on Bitnami MongoDB chart for MongoDB database provisioning. All documented parameters are customizable under mongodb. For example, to change architecture to standalone
# in file helm/values.local.yaml mongodb: architecture: standalone
To set credentials,
# in file helm/values.local.yaml mongodb: auth: rootPassword: <secret> replicaSetKey: <secret> passwords: - <secret>
To install a Helm chart, the above credentials can be randomly defined. To upgrade an existing release, they must match what's defined in secret <release-name>-mongodb.
NotifyBC chart depends on Bitnami Redis chart for Redis provisioning. All documented parameters are customizable under redis. For example, to set credential
# in file helm/values.local.yaml redis: auth: password: <secret>
To install a Helm chart, the above credential can be randomly defined. To upgrade an existing release, It must match what's defined in secret <release-name>-redis.
Both Bitnami MongoDB and Redis use Docker Hub for docker registry. Rate limit imposed by Docker Hub can cause runtime problems. If your organization has JFrog artifactory, you can change the registry
# in file helm/values.local.yaml
imageRegistry: <>
- <docker-pull-secret>
The above settings assume you have setup secret <docker-pull-secret> to access <>. The secret can be created using kubectl.
Enable scheduled MongoDB backup CronJob
# in file helm/values.local.yaml cronJob: enabled: true schedule: '1 0 * * *' retentionDays: 7 timeZone: UTC persistence: size: 5Gi
- enabled: whether to enable the MongoDB backup CronJob or not; default to
- schedule: the Unix crontab schedule; default to
'1 0 * * *'
which runs daily at 12:01AM - retentionDays: how many days the backup is retained; default to
- timeZone: the Unix TZ environment variable; default to
- persistence size: size of PVC; default to
The CronJob backs up MongoDB to a PVC named after the chart with suffix -cronjob-mongodb-backup and purges backups that are older than retentionDays.
To facilitate restoration, mount the PVC to MongoDB pod
# in file helm/values.local.yaml mongodb: extraVolumes: - name: export persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: <PVC_NAME> extraVolumeMounts: - name: export mountPath: /export readOnly: true
Restoration can then be achieved by running in MongoDB pod
mongorestore -u "$MONGODB_EXTRA_USERNAMES" -p "$MONGODB_EXTRA_PASSWORDS" \ --uri="mongodb://$K8S_SERVICE_NAME" --db $MONGODB_EXTRA_DATABASES --gzip --drop \ --archive=/export/<mongodb-backup-YYMMDD-hhmmss.gz>
- enabled: whether to enable the MongoDB backup CronJob or not; default to
NotifyBC image tag defaults to appVersion in file helm/Chart.yaml. To change to latest, i.e. tip of the main branch,
# in file helm/values.local.yaml image: tag: latest
Enable autoscaling for app pod
# in file helm/values.local.yaml autoscaling: enabled: true
Deploy Docker Container
If you have Docker installed, you can run following command to deploy NotifyBC Docker container:
docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm --pull always -dp 3000:3000
# wait till console displays "ethereal email account created:"
# => Now browse to http://localhost:3000
If successful, similar output is displayed as in source code installation.