
This site aims to be a comprehensive guide to NotifyBC. We’ll cover topics such as getting your instance up and running, interacting with browser or other server components, deployment, and give you some advice on participating in the future development of NotifyBC itself.

Helpful Hints

Throughout this guide there are a number of small-but-handy pieces of information that can make using NotifyBC easier, more interesting, and less hazardous. Here’s what to look out for.

General information

These are tips and tricks that will help you become a NotifyBC wizard!

Important information

These are tidbits you might want to keep in mind.


Be aware of these messages if you wish to avoid disaster.

If you come across anything along the way that we haven’t covered, or if you know of a tip you think others would find handy, please file an issueopen in new window and we’ll see about including it in this guide.