NotifyBC currently can only authenticate RSA signed OIDC access token if the token is a JWT. OIDC providers such as Keycloak meet the requirement.

To enable OIDC authentication strategy, add oidc configuration object to /src/config.local.js. The object supports following properties

  1. discoveryUrl - OIDC discoveryopen in new window url
  2. clientId - OIDC client id
  3. isAdmin - a predicate function to determine if authenticated user is NotifyBC administrator. The function takes the decoded OIDC access token JWT payload as input user object and should return either a boolean or a promise of boolean, i.e. the function can be both sync or async.
  4. isAuthorizedUser - an optional predicate function to determine if authenticated user is an authorized NotifyBC user. If omitted, any authenticated user is authorized NotifyBC user. This function has same signature as isAdmin

A example of complete OIDC configuration looks like

module.exports = {
  oidc: {
    clientId: 'NotifyBC',
    isAdmin(user) {
      const roles = user.resource_access.NotifyBC.roles;
      if (!(roles instanceof Array) || roles.length === 0) return false;
      return roles.indexOf('admin') > -1;
    isAuthorizedUser(user) {
      return user.realm_access.roles.indexOf('offline_access') > -1;

In NotifyBC web console and only in the web console, OIDC authentication takes precedence over built-in admin user, meaning if OIDC is configured, the login button goes to OIDC provider rather than the login form.

There is no default OIDC configuration in /src/config.ts.