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Modern Application Development IMB Patterns and Practices

Patterns describe typical issues that are experienced by Ministry business clients when they start to develop a new IM/IT based solution. A pattern provides techniques that describe best practices toward achieving a desired outcome.

When a Ministry business unit starts its product development journey, it is often aware of the need to get a STRA and, if required, a PIA. Ministry clients require additional information when starting their new product journeys. The IMB is compiling a list of repeatable adoption and usage “patterns” to common questions asked of our Ministry business consultants. The following list of patterns will evolve as the IMB works with our clients to develop additional modern solutions based on our supported platforms and service offerings.

How are patterns described?

A pattern describes a process and a “thing”. It describes a proven solution that can be applied by our clients. Patterns are usually generic and intended to initiate a dialog.

IMB Patterns we will evolve will include…

Platform Adoption Patterns

IMB Patterns