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Play 4

Ready, Refine, Sprint…

Activities undertaken by the entire team to define a fulsome “Sprint 0” prepare the team for product development sprints.

Adopt code frameworks and libraries that accelerate your development to create a working Minimal Viable Product (MVP) solutions that adheres to security and privacy requirements.

Define your architecturally significant requirements (ASR) based on product abilities.

Step 1: Develop a Release Plan

Step 2: Develop Your Conceptual Architecture

Step 3: Adhere to Modern Application Principles

Step 4: Set up Your Technical Infrastructure

Step 5: Identify Your Development Workflow Processes

Step 6: Set Up, Document, and Implement Your Tooling (Code Repository, Pipelines, Automation)

Verify your processes for successful:

Step 7: Educate Your Business Stakeholders

Your project has a finite set of resources and funding; defining and managing the scope is critical to your team’s success. The product owner educates both the team and the stakeholders in order to manage the team’s velocity and output.

Step 8: Now Sprint…

Step 9: Monitor and Measure the Development Process

Step 10: Conduct Code Reviews (As Required)

Step 11: Complete User Acceptance Testing and Remediate Defects

Step 12: Deploy and Promote Through Your Environments

Step 13: Demonstrate Your Products Frequently and Obtain User Feedback

Definition of an MVP

A Minimal Viable Product (MVP) is one that delivers core functionality as expected by a business unit’s target audience. The core functionality is a set of features that is delivered at the initial product launch. Once launched, the product follows a documented lifecycle for user feedback and product support.

An MVP is no longer considered to be an experiment, but a product that has value to its users.

Guidance to Consider

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