Deploying WordPress to Docker


Clone this repository, and go to the dev directory

# Clone WordPress deployment repository
git clone
# Change directory to the wordpress/dev folder
cd wordpress/dev
# Create an .env by copying the sample .env
cp sample-env .env

Environment Basics

  • Update variables inside .env file to reflect your setup.
    • The CONTENT_DIR variable is the location of your WordPress content directory.
    • The TEMP_DIR variable can be used to import/export db using the wp-cli command.


      When Importing and Exporting databases with the wp cli This will be the link between the WordPress container and your local machine.

Setting up SSL on Mac (required)


Make sure you are in the folder: {local repo location}/dev before you run the command below.

# sets up `localhost` self signed certs.
docker compose --file docker-compose-init.yaml run self-signed-certificate-generator
  • Drag the cert located in {local repo location}/dev/certs/nginx/ssl/localhost.crt to KeyChain appopen in new window section and trust always:

    • Double-click the certificate.
    • Next to Trust, click the arrow and in the dropdown box for "When using this certificate:" select Always Trust.



If this cert is not working, try restarting your MAC, however there might be a less drastic way of making this work.


WordPress will now run on localhost port 443, which is exactly the same port that Kubernetes runs on. Therefore local Kubernetes and WordPress can't be running at the same time.

Run Docker compose


You have to be in the wordpress/dev directory for this to work

# Starts WordPress deployment
docker compose up
# to re-build the images and start WordPress deployment
# The build flag is required, anytime there are changes to the images.
docker compose up --build
# If you enable build in shell scripts, this scripts works from anywhere
# Starts WordPress deployments

When you access Wordpress local for the first time, you will be prompted with the intial setup. You can use this screenshot for reference for what to enter.


Once you have filled out all required inputs, click "Install WordPress"

WordPress (WP) multisite is a configuration that enables multiple websites on the same WP installation.

  • In the WordPress admin UI, go to menu Tools -> Network Setup and click install

  • Bring down the WordPress site docker compose down (or <CTRL>-C if docker is in the foreground and then docker compose down).

  • In your .env file, ensure

  • Bring up WordPress site docker compose up

  • In the WordPress admin UI, go to My Sites -> Network Admin -> Settings and change Max upload file size to 10000 and click Save Changes

Running Thereafter:

  • docker compose up runs the nginx, db, WordPress php-fpm, and wp-cli containers, this will also output debug.log in the stdout.

  • WordPress wp-content directory, can be found at the path specified in your .env under variable CONTENT_DIR, .

Helper functions.

The Helper functions can be linked to run anytime a new terminal window is open by adding it to your ~/.bash_profile

Including helper functions in bash profile.


In order to make the helper functions accessible you need to include them into your bash or zsh profile. These commands then can be run from anywhere on your file system from a terminal window.

If you are using bash add this to your ~/.bash_profile

if [ -f /location-of-this-repo/wordpress/dev/bin/ ] ; then
 . /location-of-this-repo/wordpress/dev/bin/

Once this is done you can use the following commands from any directory

  • wp_start - Starts WordPress local deployment (docker)
  • wp_stop - Stops WordPress local deployment (docker)
  • wp_log - Tails the debug.log in the content directory
  • gowp - Goes to plugin directory
  • gowp themes - Goes to themes directory
  • wp_setup_tests - Sets up WordPress unit testing environment. See the Unit tests section below for instructions.
  • wp_test - Runs unit tests from the current directory.
  • wpgrep - Does a grep with certain excludes to directories like .git, node_modules, vendor
  • wp_composer - Runs the latest php composer
  • wp - Wordpress Command lineopen in new window that allows an endless amount of things to be completed with your local WordPress instance.

Example WordPress Command Lineopen in new window using wp.

  • wp site list - Shows all the sites.
  • wp plugin list - gets all the plugins.
  • wp plugin update akismet - updates akismet plugin

Backing up full database

This file will get stored in a directory that you determined in your .env as the TEMP_DIR variable.

# In order for this command to work you need the following in your terminal profile (bash or zsh)
# . /location-of-this-repo/wordpress/dev/bin/ as shown above
wp db export /tmp/WordPress/all-sites.sql --add-drop-table

Restoring full database


This command will replace your entire database, before running wp db import make sure you understand what this command does.

wp db import /tmp/WordPress/all-sites.sql

Unit tests

wp-cli provides a way to set up and perform unit/integration testsopen in new window in WordPress' official testing environment. If a plugin has been configured to use this method of unit testing, we can run those tests inside this docker deployment.

The WordPress Docker instance must be up and running to use the wp_setup_tests or wp_test commands (run wp_start to start the Docker instance).


To set up the WP testing environment inside the WordPress container, run the command wp_setup_tests from anywhere.

If you get an error saying command not found: wp_setup_tests, follow the steps in the "Helper functions" section above.

Running tests

To run a test:

  1. Navigate to the plugin you want to execute tests on.
  2. Run the command wp_test.
    • If you get a message saying "No tests executed" the plugin is most likely not configured using the wp scaffold plugin-tests command so its tests cannot be executed this way. Run the unit tests locally instead (composer run test).
    • If you get a message saying "Have you run bin/" you will need to run the wp_setup_tests command, then try again.
Contributors: ASpiteri-BCGov