Deploying WordPress to Kubernetes

Kustomizeopen in new window is a standalone tool to customize Kubernetes objects through a kustomization file, that ships with both OC and kubectl deployment utilities. To make local deployments more seamless, all images are being pulled from DockerHub bcgovgdx namespaceopen in new window, alternatively you can build this images using docker build


  • Kubernetes cluster
  • Kubectl installed


kubectl apply -k ./deployments/kustomize/overlays/local

The Deployment

  • Your new site should be accessible at
  • WordPress network sites can't be used due to the port restrictions.

Access the sidecar

  • Find the sidecar pod by running kubectl get pods then replace the pod name in the command.
  • kubectl exec -it pod/wordpress-sidecar-abcd -- bash
  • cd /var/www/html
  • you can now run wp cliopen in new window commands, however locally this container is running in root so you will have to use the --allow-root flag
  • sample command wp plugin list --allow-root

Delete Deployment

kubectl delete -k ./deployments/kustomize/overlays/local


This will delete all resources, including volumes

Building Images


# Build the image
docker build -t bcgovgdx/wordpress-nginx-run \
            -f openshift/templates/images/nginx/docker/Dockerfile \

# Verify image
docker run -it bcgovgdx/wordpress-nginx-run sh


# Build the image
docker build -t bcgovgdx/wordpress-mariadb-run \
            -f openshift/templates/images/mariadb/docker/Dockerfile \


# Build the image
docker build -t bcgovgdx/wordpress-wordpress-run \
            -f openshift/templates/images/wordpress/docker/Dockerfile \


# Build the image
docker build -t bcgovgdx/wordpress-sidecar-run \
            -f openshift/templates/images/sidecar/docker/Dockerfile \

Plugin / themes

# Build the image
docker build -t bcgovgdx/wordpress-plugins-themes \
            -f openshift/templates/images/plugins_themes/Dockerfile \


Images that come from bcgovgdx namespaceopen in new window should NOT be used in production deployments.


All commands are given from the root of this repository

Contributors: mhaswell-bcgov