BC Provider Location Registry FHIR Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - fhirVersion-4.0; BCPLRVersion=1 Canada flag

BC Provider Location Registry FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.0.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Releases and Future Plans

This specification is currently published as a Draft Standard on the ministry github and is not intended for implementation. Feedback is welcome but readers should understand that there is more work to be done in testing the profiles and operations defined in this guide.

At this time, this Implementation Guide includes requirements for PLR Providers and Facilities. The FHIR artifacts have been created according to the current understood expectations and schedules of our partners. As the results some features are not released yet, they are marked on as DRAFT in the Specification page.

Release - FHIR version 4.0 and BCFHIR version 1

The version information needs to be added in the message HTTP Accept: Header to access release 1

  • fhirVersion=4.0;BCPLRVersion=1

This section describes everything that is available in this release.

Practitioner queries
  • Entity Query by IPC

      GET [Base]/Practitioner/<IPC>/$entityQuery

and where IPC is an IPC identifier, like IPC.00012345.BC.PRS.

  • Entity Query search, using identifier

      GET [Base]/Practitioner/$entityQuery?identifier=<naming-system>|<value>

Users are also able to query using other PLR recognized identifiers by using parameters; the format of the identifier type is such as it is needed to pass the NamingSystem that defined the identifier. So naming-system is the naming system such as “https://health.gov.bc.ca/fhir/NamingSystem/ca-bc-plr-ipc” and value is the value of the identifier.

The full list of the mapping for the Naming system used in PLR is to find in this file.

  • Entity Query search, with other search parameters, see details of the entityQuery

      GET [Base]/Practitioner/$entityQuery?family=D*&given=John

See the following section for more details on operations.

RESTful queries
  • Restful GET Query by IPC

      GET [Base]/Practitioner/<IPC>
      GET [Base]/Practitioner?_id=<IPC>&_revinclude=PractitionerRole:practitioner
  • Restful GET search, with search parameters, only the following parameters are implemented in release 1

      GET [Base]/Practitioner?family=D*&given=John&gender=male&address-city=Richmond
      GET [Base]/Practitioner?identifier=<naming-system>|<value>&_revinclude=PractitionerRole:practitioner
      GET [Base]/Practitioner?family=PIPLott&given=Doris&address-city=Richmond&_has:PractitionerRole:practitioner:role=RN&_revinclude=PractitionerRole:practitioner

_revinclude=PractitionerRole:practitioner search parameter will include in the response the PractionerRole for each Practitioner. _has:PractitionerRole:practitioner:role=RN search parameter allow to search for role in PractitionerRole instances

See examples of Responses payload for Restful Queries under restful-examples

Organization queries
  • Entity Query by IPC

      GET [Base]/Organization/<IPC>/$entityQuery

and where IPC is an IPC identifier, like IPC.00012345.BC.PRS.

  • Entity Query search, using identifier

      GET [Base]/Organization/$entityQuery?identifier=<naming-system>|<value>

The full list of the mapping for the Naming system used in PLR is to find in this file.

See the following section for more details on operations.

RESTful queries
  • Restful GET Query by IPC

      GET [Base]/Organization/<IPC>
  • Restful GET search, with search parameters, only the following parameters are implemented in release 1

      GET [Base]/Organization?name=D*&type=CLINIC&address-city=Vancouver  
      GET [Base]/Organization?identifier=https://health.gov.bc.ca/fhir/NamingSystem/ca-bc-plr-ipc|IPC.00150322.BC.PRS

_revinclude search is not implemented in release 1 for Organizations. See examples of Response for Restful Queries under restful-examples

Location queries
  • Entity Query by IFC

      GET [Base]/Location/<IFC>/$entityQuery

and where IFC is an IFC identifier, like IFC.00012345.BC.PRS.

  • Entity Query search, using identifier

      GET [Base]/Location/$entityQuery?identifier=<naming-system>|<value>

The full list of the mapping for the Naming system used in PLR is to find in this file.

See the following section for more details on operations.

RESTful queries
  • Restful GET Query by IFC

      GET [Base]/Location/<IFC>
  • Restful GET search, with search parameters, only the following parameters are implemented in release 1.

      GET [Base]/Location?address-line1=845 fort st&address-city=victoria&localHealthArea=Greater Victoria
      GET [Base]/Location?otheraddress-line1=845*t&address-city=victoria$healthServiceDeliveryArea=South Vancouver Island
      GET [Base]/Location?healthAuthority=Vancouver Island
      GET [Base]/Location?communityHealthServiceArea=Downtown Victoria
      GET [Base]/Location?identifier=https://health.gov.bc.ca/fhir/NamingSystem/ca-bc-plr-ifc|IFC.00000059.BC.PRS

_revinclude search is not implemented in release 1 for Locations. See examples of Response for Restful Queries under restful-examples

Maintain operations - Practitioner, Organization and Location

A Maintain operation is used by a user to communicate a change to a single Provider (Individual or Organizational) or Facility to PLR.

    POST [Base]/$maintain

A Bundle is sent, wrapped in Parameters, and includes one of the following sets:

  1. PractitionerRole(s) and Practitioner;
  2. OrganizationAffiliation(s), PractitionerRole(s) and Organization;
  3. OrganizationAffiliation(s), PractitionerRole(s) and Location.

The PLR FHIR Server response will be a Bundle, wrapped in Parameters, with type set to “collection” that contains the created or updated resources that represent the Provider (Individual or Organizational) or Facility. The Bundle includes the same set as request and an entry of OperationOutcome that has informational, warning or error messages.

See details here too


A Distribution operation is used by PLR to communicate a change in a single Practitioner, Organization, or Location to an external connected system that subscribes to the distribution service. This is different from the FHIR Subscription model, but a custom PLR subscription service that requires the user to sign up with the Registry administrator and follow the setup and configuration guide.
The distribution is sent from PLR to a client application, via a POST message to a defined endpoint URL.

    POST [Base]/$distribution

The Bundle sent, wrapped in Parameters, should be processed by the client as an atomic commit and includes one of the following sets:

  1. PractitionerRole(s) and Practitioner;
  2. OrganizationAffiliation(s), PractitionerRole(s) and Organization;
  3. OrganizationAffiliation(s), PractitionerRole(s) and Location.

See details here too

Future Release


Extended Queries

Other Restful operations