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BC Common Components (CoCo) Weeknote 2


This is the second post in a series of weeknotes recapping what the BC Common Components (we’ve taken to calling it “CoCo”) team has done this week and what we plan to accomplish next week. All previous weeknotes are saved here. There’s also now a CoCo mission control dashboard you can track here.


  • Participated in a lunch and share with the digital community to learn about what others are building and how. We had a lively conversation about Common Components and associated pain points.
  • Attended ~5 sprint reviews hosted by other teams. Highlights were the Health Gateway team and Climate Action Secretariat, both exemplary teams working on impactful products and building for reuse.
  • Interviewed several teams and product owners, including GDX, Climate Action, and Mines.
  • Developed a user research plan and interview script.
  • Stood up a wiki site for common components, which will be hosted on GitHub pages. Content is not yet ready.
  • Reviewed Developer Sites and Common Components from around the world, including the UK, Italy, Singapore, India, and the US.
  • Got access to set up our repos on the BCGOV GitHub. Tech onboarding has been slow.
  • Held our first betting table meeting (learn more here and see Twitter commentary here). We pitched five potential “bets” to an executive table, had a lively debate on each, and Rumon made a clear decision on our first mission: boilerplates that make it easy for teams to get to “Hello World”. Rumon has started calling this “startup kit”. We’ll see if the name sticks.

Doing Next

  • Draft and approve content for the Common Components wiki site.
  • Detailed planning for our first mission - boilerplates.
  • Starting our first official two-week sprint. The focus will be 1) Boilerplates and 2) User Research. We expect to start the sprint Tuesday or Wednesday after we’re finished planning. You’ll all be invited to Sprint Review.
  • Meeting with the CGI team on Monday morning to talk about cross-gov’t patterns and areas for potential common components.This, along with our ongoing jurisdictional research and user research, will inform our next betting table meeting.
  • Continuing user research and interviews.