Fetch and convert data from rems to AquaChem format
date_range = NULL,
save = TRUE,
out_folder = "./",
out_file = NULL,
interactive = TRUE,
dont_update = TRUE
- ems_ids
Character vector. Unique EMS ids
- date_range
Character vector. Start and end dates (YYYY-MM-DD)
- save
Logical. Whether or not to save the data as csv.
- out_folder
Character. Where to save data for AquaChem
- out_file
Character. What to call data file for AquaChem. Default is aquachem_DATE.csv
- interactive
Logical. Whether or not to ask when caching data.
- dont_update
Logical. Whether or not to avoid updating EMS if
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Convert one well and save the data in the working directory
rems_to_aquachem(ems_ids = "E289551")
# Convert several wells (this will overwrite the previous data!)
rems_to_aquachem(ems_ids = c("1401030", "1401377"))
# To specify a date range (Year-Month-Day)
rems_to_aquachem(ems_ids = c("1401030", "1401377"),
date_range = c("2000-01-01", "2015-01-01"))
# To name the ouput (extension should be .csv, .txt, or .dat)
rems_to_aquachem(ems_ids = "1401030", out_file = "water_quality01.csv")
# To save the output to a specific folder
# (here, the Outputs folder in the Rcode folder on the H drive)
# Note that the out_folder must exist or you'll get an error
rems_to_aquachem(ems_ids = c("1401030", "1401377"),
out_folder = "H:\\Rcode\\Outputs/")
# All together now!
rems_to_aquachem(ems_ids = c("1401030", "1401377"),
date_range = c("2000-01-01", "2015-01-01"),
out_file = "water_quality05.csv",
out_folder = "H:\\Rcode\\Outputs/")
# Clean up
unlink(paste0("aquachem_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"))
} # }