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bcgwcat 0.6.1

  • Correct general calculations of water types
    • Allow water types to use Meas Alk if HCO3 is missing (identified by HCO3* in the returned water type).
    • Water type also returns a check column mission_ion to identify if the water type is missing all anions or all cations.
  • New function for calculating dominant water types (dominant_water_type()) in a series of samples.
  • Tweak piper plots and stiff plots
    • Use Meas Alk (Total Alkalinity) instead of HCO3 if missing.
    • Omit outlier points (when >5 samples, those not in a Dominant Water Type)

bcgwcat 0.6.0

  • Rename to bcgwcat to reflect change in scope
    • Update docs etc. in light of this
  • Added more details to Shiny app explaining private vs. public EMS data, water quality guidelines and parameter/unit changes
  • Fixed water quality summary to exclude Nitrate and Nitrate limits when measured as N (not applicable here)
  • Fixed bug, where piperplot did not respect EMS IDs to plot (ems_id argument)