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Returns a rectangular data frame of all resources contained within a record. This is particularly useful if you are trying to construct a vector of multiple resources in a record. The data frame also provides useful information on the formats, availability and types of data available.





either a bcdc_record object (from the result of bcdc_get_record()), a character string denoting the name or ID of a resource (or the URL) or a BC Geographic Warehouse (BCGW) name.

It is advised to use the permanent ID for a record or the BCGW name rather than the human-readable name to guard against future name changes of the record. If you use the human-readable name a warning will be issued once per session. You can silence these warnings altogether by setting an option: options("silence_named_get_data_warning" = TRUE) - which you can set in your .Rprofile file so the option persists across sessions.


A data frame containing the metadata for all the resources for a record


# \donttest{
  airports <- bcdc_get_record("bc-airports")

#> # A tibble: 4 × 9
#>   name          url   id    format ext   package_id location
#>   <chr>         <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr> <chr>      <chr>   
#> 1 BC Geographi… ""    604c… multi… ""    76b1b7a3-… bcgeogr…
#> 2 BC_Airports_… "htt… fccc… xlsx   "xls… 76b1b7a3-… catalog…
#> 3 WMS getCapab… "htt… 4d03… wms    ""    76b1b7a3-… bcgeogr…
#> 4 Download KML… "htt… 5b9f… kml    "kml" 76b1b7a3-… bcgeogr…
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: wfs_available <lgl>,
#> #   bcdata_available <lgl>
# }