Retrieve organization information for B.C. Data Catalogue
Returns a tibble of organizations or records. Organizations can be viewed here:
https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/organizations or accessed directly from R using bcdc_list_organizations
# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 74 × 48
#> author author_email creator_user_id download_audience
#> * <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 NA NA 40a48d33-5a6c-… Public
#> 2 NA NA 40a48d33-5a6c-… Public
#> 3 NA NA 40a48d33-5a6c-… Public
#> 4 NA NA 40a48d33-5a6c-… Public
#> 5 427ce3ac-… NA 427ce3ac-d77d-… Public
#> 6 NA NA 40a48d33-5a6c-… Public
#> 7 NA NA b3245224-9d10-… Public
#> 8 NA NA 1fc29eff-b6a3-… Public
#> 9 NA NA 40a48d33-5a6c-… Public
#> 10 NA NA 40a48d33-5a6c-… Public
#> # ℹ 64 more rows
#> # ℹ 44 more variables: id <chr>, isopen <lgl>,
#> # license_id <chr>, license_title <chr>,
#> # license_url <chr>, maintainer <lgl>,
#> # maintainer_email <lgl>, metadata_created <chr>,
#> # metadata_modified <chr>, metadata_visibility <chr>,
#> # name <chr>, notes <chr>, num_resources <int>, …
# }