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Read in the life stage simple groups and add a column in the lifestage_code table in the database to mark the corresponding values.


wqb_add_lifestage(database, quiet = FALSE)



A string to the location of the database.


Turn off message when quiet set to TRUE.


Invisible data frame


Only life stages related to fish or amphibians have been coded. The purpose of the coding is to be able to simplify the many life stages into three categories: els (early life stage), juveniles and adults. Not all life stages have been coded into these three groups.

The life stage data is contained in a csv file in the extdata folder of the package. The csv file can be edited by adding or removing rows. To add new rows get the code and description values from the lifestage_code table in the dataset and paste them into the csv file and then add the value to the simple_lifestage column.

Do not add new columns, rename columns or rename the file. The file must only contain the code, description_lifestage and simple_lifestage column.

The code values in the lifestage-codes.csv file are matched to the code values in the lifestage_code table in the database. Any codes that match are coded in a new column called simple_lifestage.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
lifestage_codes <- wqb_add_lifestage(
  database = "ecotox_ascii_09_15_2022.sqlite"

lifestage_codes <- wqb_add_lifestage(
  database = "ecotox_db/ecotox_ascii_09_15_2022.sqlite"
} # }