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Read in the concentration endpoints that have been selected to keep in the final data set. Add a column to the endpoint_codes table in the database to mark the corresponding endpoints.


wqb_add_concentration_endpoints(database, quiet = FALSE)



A string to the location of the database.


Turn off message when quiet set to TRUE.


Invisible data frame


The list of concentration endpoints is contained in a csv file in the extdata folder of the package. The csv file can be edited by adding or removing rows. To add new rows get the code and description values from the endpoint_codes table in the database and paste them into the csv file.

Do not add new columns, rename columns or rename the file. The file must only contain the code and description column.

The code values in the endpoint-concentration file are matched to the code values in the endpoint_code table in the database. A new column concentration_flag is added to the endpoint_code table that codes each endpoint as TRUE if the endpoint is present in endpoint-concentration.csv file.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  database = "ecotox_ascii_09_15_2022.sqlite"

  database = "ecotox_db/ecotox_ascii_09_15_2022.sqlite"
} # }