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Read in a list of British Columbia species and add a column to the species table in the database to indicate if the species is present in British Columbia.


wqb_add_bc_species(database, quiet = FALSE)



A string to the location of the database.


Turn off message when quiet set to TRUE.


Invisible data frame


The BC species data is contained in a csv file in the extdata folder of the package. This file can be edited by adding new species or removing species. Do not add new columns, rename columns or rename the file. The file must only contain a single column named latin_name.

The latin_name column must consist of the genus and species separated by a space. The latin_name column in the bc-species.csv file is matched to the latin_name column in the species table of the database. A new column species_present_in_bc is added to the species table that codes each species as TRUE if it matches a value in the bc-species.csv or FALSE if there is no match.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
bc_species <- wqb_add_bc_species(
  database = "ecotox_ascii_09_15_2022.sqlite"

bc_species <- wqb_add_bc_species(
  database = "ecotox_db/ecotox_ascii_09_15_2022.sqlite"
} # }