SMK Usage Guide

A versatile and lightweight toolkit for building a simple web map.

This project is maintained by bcgov

SMK / Configuration / Tools

Markup Tool

Adds markup tools to the map.

This tool only works with the leaflet viewer.

This is default configuration for the Markup tool (click on a property name for more information):

{ "tools": [ {
    "type":     "markup",
    "enabled":  false,
} ] }

Type Property

"type": String (Required)

The name of the type of this tool. Identifies the tool in the configuration, this is required.

Must be one of these values: "about", "basemaps", "bespoke", "coordinate", "directions", "identify", "layers", "legend", "list-menu", "location", "markup", "measure", "minimap", "pan", "query", "scale", "search", "select", "shortcut-menu", "toolbar", "version", or "zoom".

Enabled Property

"enabled": Boolean

If true then the tool will be available when the map starts. If false, then the tool will not be available.