
The Command Line Interface enables users to rapidly create and edit SMK map configuration, including data consumption via OGC and Esri ReST data access services and local data files.

This project is maintained by bcgov

Creating your SMK application

Now that you’ve installed the SMK-CLI (if you haven’t, check out the install steps) you’re ready to build an SMK application.

For a quick ‘help’ guide on using the SMK-CLI, enter the following into you command line:

smk help

which will return the available commands that the SMK-CLI supports.

 _____  _                    _        ___  ___                _   __ _  _
/  ___|(_)                  | |       |  \/  |               | | / /(_)| |
\ `--.  _  _ __ ___   _ __  | |  ___  | .  . |  __ _  _ __   | |/ /  _ | |_
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\____/ |_||_| |_| |_|| .__/ |_| \___| \_|  |_/ \__,_|| .__/  \_| \_/|_| \__|
                     | |                             | |
                     |_|                             |_|   CLI v1.2.0
Usage: index create|edit|help
To create a new SMK project:     index create [name]
To modify an SMK project config: index edit [-p port]

There are three main commands:

We’ve just seen help, so lets dive into create


Before creating your application, you’ll want to ensure you’re in a path where you want your SMK application to reside. A folder will be created to hold your application.

cd /myProjectsFolder

Once you’re in a location where you want to create your new application, you can enter the SMK create command

smk create mySmkProject

Where mySmkProject will be your desired project name. You will then be presented with a series of options for configuring the skeleton of your SMK application

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   ()  o                      | |         /|  |  |                   /|   /  o
   /\       _  _  _       _   | |   _      |  |  |    __,      _      |__/       _|_
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 /(__/ |_/   |  |  |_/  |__/  |__/ |__/    |  |  |_/ \_/|_/  |__/     |  \_/ |_/  |_/
                       /|                                   /|
                       \|                                   \|      CLI v1.2.0
Welcome to the SMK application creation tool!
An application skeleton will be created for you at the current directory.
But first, please answer some questions about your new SMK application.

? Enter your application's name: mySmkProject
? Enter your application's title: My SMK Application
? Enter a short description for your application: This is a really cool map
? Enter the author's name: Vivid Solutions Inc.
? Enter the package name of SMK: smk
? Select the version of smk for your application: 1.2.0
? Select the template for your application: default
? Select the type of map viewer: leaflet
? Select the base map: BCGov
? Enter an Esri API key: my-Esri-API-key
? Select the tools: about, coordinate, layers, pan, zoom, scale, minimap, identify, search

Enter your application's name will default to the name entered when you started the create process, but you are able to override that value here. Think of this as the “ID” for your application.

Enter your application's title will default to a ‘pretty printed’ version of your application name. You can supply a different name here if you prefer. This will be the label used in your SMK applications title and browser title.

Enter a short description for your application Allows you to enter a short description for your SMK application.

Enter the author's name Allows you to enter the name of the author for this application. This can be the developers name, companies name, or whatever identifiable author you prefer for your application.

Enter the package name of SMK Will default to smk. Generally, you can leave this at the default unless you want to override with a different flavour of SMK

Select the version of smk for your application will provide you with a number of recent version options for SMK that you can select. Press your arrow direction buttons up or down to choose an option, and press enter to select it. This will default to the most recent version.

Select the template for your application The SMK-CLI comes with two different template options for setting up your application: defaut which initializes your application with default values, or mobile which optimizes the application for mobile devices. Press your arrow direction buttons up or down to choose an option, and press enter to select it. Thw default is default.

Select the type of map viewer The SMK-CLI comes with two different map viewer options: leaflet or ESRI 3D. Press your arrow direction buttons up or down to choose an option, and press enter to select it. The default is leaflet.

Note: Currently Esri 3D support is experimental.

Select the base map This will be the default map viewable on your application. Currently SMK uses the Esri basemap layers:

SMK also uses:

Press your arrow direction buttons up or down to choose an option, and press enter to select it. The default is BCGov.

Enter an Esri API key Several basemaps are provided by Esri and require the use of an API key. To get an API key, create an ArcGIS Developer account or ArcGIS Online account and then create an API key in the developer dashboard.

Select the tools Allows you to pre-select from a set of default SMK tools to activate. Press space to select, a to toggle all, i to invert selection. The options are:

about, coordinate, layers, pan, minimap, identify, search and zoom are selected by default. You can find more information about these specific tools in the SMK documentation

Generating the Skeleton

After your options have been provided, the SMK-CLI will generate your application and configurations. This process only takes a few seconds, and you will need internet access to download the required packages from GitHub and other repositories. An example of what you’ll see while SMK-CLI is working:

Creating application directory .\mySmkProject with template "default"...
copying \smk-cli\smk-create\template-default\resources\package.json ..
.. to .\mySmkProject\package.json
copying \smk-cli\smk-create\template-default\resources\index.html ..
.. to .\mySmkProject\index.html
copying \smk-cli\smk-create\template-default\resources\smk-config.json ..
.. to .\mySmkProject\smk-config.json
copying \smk-cli\smk-create\template-default\resources\assets\bc-gov-logo-transparent.png ..
.. to .\mySmkProject\assets\bc-gov-logo-transparent.png
copying \smk-cli\smk-create\template-default\resources\assets\style.css ..
.. to .\mySmkProject\assets\style.css
copying \smk-cli\smk-create\template-default\resources\smk-init.js ..
.. to .\mySmkProject\smk-init.js

Installing application dependencies...
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
added 31 packages, and audited 32 packages in 3s

mySmkProject@0.0.1 C:\smk\mySmkProject
├── @bcgov/smk@1.1.0
└── http-server@0.12.3

Your application has been created.

What’s Created

You’ll now have a new folder in the location where smk create was executed with the name you supplied. The folder contains a checkout of the SMK github repo, a generated configuration, and a pre-download of all required node modules.

Final Steps

You’ve now created a new SMK application on your machine. The SMK CLI will prompt you if you’d like to immediately jump into the editor, which you can do by pressing enter or space.

Before moving on to testing and editing your application, you may want to push your generated code into a repository (GitHub, for example) so you can persist edits into an accessible location.

Edit your application

Check out Editing an SMK Application

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