
-1 rows


A group is a collection of roles. When a group is assigned to a user, the user indirectly assumes the privileges of all the roles encompassed by the group. Groups are used to defineprofiles in order to make it easier to manage common sets of roles for users. A group can contain roles from multiple applications in order to handle the case where users typically have a certain set of privileges across multiple applications.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
group_id int8 19 null
fam_application_group_xref.group_id reffam_group19 R
fam_group.parent_group_id reffam_group16 R
fam_group_role_xref.group_id reffam_group18 R
fam_user_group_xref.group_id reffam_group30 R
group_name varchar 100 null
purpose varchar 200 null
parent_group_id int8 19 null
fam_group.group_id reffam_group16 R
client_number_id int8 19 null
fam_forest_client.client_number_id reffam_forest_client25 R

Sequentially assigned number to identify a ministry client.

create_user varchar 100 null

The user or proxy account that created the record.

create_date timestamptz 35,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

The date and time the record was created.

update_user varchar 100 null

The user or proxy account that created or last updated the record.

update_date timestamptz 35,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

The date and time the record was created or last updated.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
fam_grp_pk Primary key Asc group_id
fam_grp_name_uk Must be unique Asc group_name
Ref216 Performance Asc parent_group_id
Ref425 Performance Asc client_number_id
