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This site welcomes contributions by readers! On this page you will find the information required to make your submission, which will be tracked and vetted by the product owner who maintains the content.
GitHub Issues
The GitHub issues are used to keep track of user suggestions, bugs, enhancements, and other requests.
How to Create an Issue
Information on how to create an issue on GitHub can be found here.
You can create an issue for this site here and check on the status of your issue here.
If you don’t have a GitHub account, please email us your feedback.
Guidelines for Creating Issues
To help our developers resolve your issue, we suggest the following:
- Include the URL of the page with the issue.
- If there is a typo, please include the selection of text that should be changed, along with the text to replace it.
- If the issue is regarding some visual aspect of the site, please include a screenshot highlighting what you would like changed.
- In general, please try to include as much information as possible.
The site structure and theme are described in the maintenance and development guide.