Here is the list of available widgets. Click on the names of the widgets below to learn more about that specific widget.
You can select the widgets you want to display on your engagement and customize them. Widgets can be reorganized on the Engagement Details page by clicking the six dots icon on the left side of each card and dragging it up or down.
- Add contact(s) to your engagement
Upload or link to important documents
Documents can be renamed and organized in folders
Environmental Assessment Process
- Add the EA (Environmental Assessment) Process interactive graphic to the engagement with a marker to indicate the current phase.
Offers members of the public the chance to sign up for updates for one or all projects
Link to a pre-defined form such as the Community Advisory Committee registration form
- Add information about in-person and virtual events
Add a map to the engagement to display the location of the project
Locations can be defined by uploading a shape file or by latitude/longitude coordinates
Add a link to a hosted video (YouTube or Vimeo)
The video will show a preview and can be watched directly from the engagement page