Read the FAQ

Read the FAQ

Engagement +

How do I create an engagement?+ You must be an Administrator to create an engagement. To create an engagement, go to the Engagement Listing page and click the "Create an Engagement" button. This will take you to the Engagement creation page. View all the steps on the Create Engagement page.
How do I edit an engagement?+ As an Administrator, you can edit an engagement at any time. As a Team Member, you can only edit an engagement you are assigned to before it is scheduled/published. To edit an engagement, go to the Engagement Listing page and select "Edit Engagement" from the Action drop-down. This will take you to the Engagement Details page where you can edit your engagement. Alternatively, you can edit your engagement from the Preview Engagement page by clicking the "Edit Engagement" button. View all the steps on the Edit Engagement page.
How do I assign a Team Member/Reviewer to an Engagement?+ As an Administrator, you can assign any Team Member or Reviewer to any engagement. As a Team Member, you can assign any Team Member/Reviewer to an engagement that you are already assigned to. To assign a user, go to the User Management page and select "Assign to an Engagement" from the Action drop-down. You can also assign a user to an engagement from the User's Detail page by clicking the "+ Add to an Engagement" button or, for Team Members only, you can go to the Engagement User Management page and click the "+ Add Team Member" button. View all the steps on the Assign a Team Member/Reviewer to an Engagement page.
Where do I find the public URL to an Engagement?+ To access the public URL to an engagement, go to the Engagement Listing page and click on the desired engagement. Click on "Edit Engagement" and then go to the URL (links) tab. The top link will be for the Public Engagement Page. The URL is auto-generated based on the engagement name but is editable before the engagement is published. Alternatively, if the engagement is not yet scheduled/published, you can select "Edit Engagement" from the Action drop-down on the Engagement Listing page. Please note that team Members will only be able to access the URL (links) tab on the Engagement Details page before the engagement is scheduled/published.
How do I edit the dates the survey opens and closes?+ Administrators can edit the survey dates if the engagement is in draft, published/scheduled, or open. Team Members can only edit the survey dates if the engagement is a draft. You cannot edit the dates of closed or unpublished engagements. To edit the opening and closing dates of a survey, click on your desired engagement and edit the dates from the Engagement Details tab, then click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. For more information on Engagement Details, visit the Engagement Details page.
How do I change the date an Engagement is scheduled to go live?+ As an Administrator, you can change the date and time an engagement is scheduled to go live as long as you do it before the original scheduled time. To change the engagement go-live date and time, go to the Engagement Listing page and click on the desired engagement. You will see a link to reschedule your engagement in the yellow banner, just below the date/time your engagement is scheduled to go live.
Can I edit an engagement that is published?+ Yes. Administrators can edit engagements that have been published. However, once an engagement is published, you cannot change the "Set-up as Internal Engagement" and Send Report toggles, or the URL to the Public Engagement Page.

Widgets +

What are the widgets?+ Widgets are customizable modals that display different types of information about the engagement. To learn more and view all the widgets, visit the Widgets page.
How do I add a widget to an engagement?+ Administrators and Team Members can add widgets to display on the engagement page. Upon the creation of an engagement, a user will see the Widgets section on the right side of the screen. Click "Add Widget" and you will see all of the available widgets. To learn more and view all the widgets, visit the Widgets page.
Do I need to add every widget to my engagement?+ No. Widgets are intended to be entirely customizable according to the engagement.

Survey +

How do I create a survey?+ You must be an Administrator to create a new survey. To create a survey, go to the Survey Listing page and click the "Create Survey" button. Choose the "Create a New Survey" option and approve of the Disclaimer and Statement of Responsibility for Survey Designers. To learn more about building your survey, visit the Widgets page.
How do I edit a survey?+ Administrators and Team Members can edit surveys as long as the engagement it is linked to is not scheduled or published. After creating and saving a survey, you can edit it from the Survey Listing page or directly from the engagement it is attached to. From the survey listing page you can click "Edit Survey" from the Action drop-down, or you can click on the survey name then click on "Edit Survey" from the Preview Survey header. Alternatively, you can go to the Engagement Details page survey section and click the edit icon on the survey card. View all the steps on the Edit Survey page.
How do I review the new comments made in the survey and publish them?+ As an Administrator, you can review all comments on all engagements. As a Team Member, you can review comments on the engagement(s) you are assigned to. You can see if there are any new comments requiring review on the Engagement Listing or Survey Listing page. The number of new comments will show on the "new" comment badge as a number. Click the badge to access the new comments. You will see a list of all the new comments on the Comment Listing page. After clicking on a Comment ID from the Comment Listing page, you will be directed to the Comment Review page. There will be the option to approve, reject, or require that a comment needs further review. If a comment is approved, it will be published in the public record (as long as the report includes it). To learn more about the comment review process, visit the Comment Review page.
How is the survey accessed by the public?+ The surveys are embedded directly in an engagement. When a member of the public is on the engagement page, they will click the "Share Your Thoughts" button and validate their email address. They will receive an email notification to their provided email address which includes a link to the survey.
Can I create an engagement only accessible to B.C. Government employees?+ Yes. By clicking on the "Set-up as Internal Engagement" toggle in the Engagement Settings, your engagement will only be accessible to users with a @gov.bc.ca email address. For more information on engagement settings, visit the Engagement Settings page.
Can I send a survey to a select group of people?+ No. This tool does not have the capability to send surveys to select groups of people at this time.

User Management +

What are the different user roles?+ There are 6 roles within this tool, and 4 of them are assignable/visible to an internal user. The 4 that will be assignable/visible include: Administrators, Team Members, Viewers, and Reviewers. To learn more about roles, visit the User Roles page.
How do I assign a role to a new user?+ You must be an Administrator to assign a role to a new user. Once a new user logs in to the tool with their IDIR credentials, Administrators will see their name appear in the User Management tab. From the action drop-down, select "Assign a Role" and choose which role to assign the user. To learn more about assigning roles, visit the Add Users page.
How do I assign a Team Member/Reviewer to an engagement?+ An Administrator can assign any Team Member/Reviewer to any engagement. A Team Member can assign any Team Member/Reviewer to engagements that they are already assigned to. You must be an Administrator or a Team Member to add a Team Member/Reviewer to an engagement. Administrators can add any Team Member/Reviewer to any engagement while Team Members can add a Team Member/Reviewer to engagements they are already assigned to. There are 3 ways that Team Member/Reviewer can be added to engagements: 1. By selecting *Assign to an Engagement* in the action drop-down from the []<a href="https://bcgov.github.io/met-guide/posts/user-management/>User Management</a> page. 3. By clicking *+ Add to an Engagement* from the <a href="https://bcgov.github.io/met-guide/posts/user-details/)>User Details</a> page 5. By clicking *+ Add Team Member* from the <a href="https://bcgov.github.io/met-guide/posts/engagement-UM)Engagement User Management</a> page View all the steps on the Assign a Team Member/Reviewer to an Engagement page.
How do I remove a Team Member/Reviewer from an engagement?+ An Administrator can revoke Team Members and Reviewers from Engagements. Team Members and Reviewers can be revoked from an engagement from the action drop-down on the User Details page. Additionally, Team Members can be revoked from engagements through the action drop-down on the Engagement User Management tab. View all the steps on the Revoking/Reinstating a Team Member/Reviewer to an Engagement page.
How do I deactivate/reactivate a user?+ You must be an Administrator to deactivate or reactivate users. To deactivate a user, go to the User Details page and click the "Deactivate" button on the top right of the screen. If the user was previously deactivated, the same button will allow an Administrator to reactivate them. View all the steps on the Deactivate/Reactivate a User page.
What is the difference between the User Management tab in an engagement, the User Management page, and the User Details page?+ The User Management tab within an engagement includes the Team Members that are assigned to that particular engagement. The User Management page is a listing of all the users within the system, their roles, date added in the system, status, and an actions drop-down to perform quick actions such as assigning a role, changing their role, or assigning them to an engagement. The User Details page is specific to each user and includes more information such as the engagements that this user is or was assigned to.

Report +

How can I select which questions will show on the public report?+ After creating a survey, you can select which questions will be displayed on the public report. You will be automatically directed to the Report Settings page after clicking "Save & Continue" on a survey. Alternatively, you can go to the Survey Listing page and click "Edit Settings" from the action drop-down. The Report Settings can only be edited before an engagement is scheduled/published. View all the steps on the Report Settings page.
How do I change the option to automatically send a report when the survey closes?+ Go to edit your desired engagement, then go to the Engagement Settings tab and toggle off the "Send Report".
Where do I find the URL to the public report?+ Go to edit your desired engagement, then go to the URL (links) tab and copy the "Link to Public Dashboard Report" at the bottom.
Where do I view the internal and public reports for my engagement?+ You can view the Public Report and the Internal Report from the Actions drop-down on the Engagement and Survey Listing pages. Learn mre about the reports on the Report page.

Policy +

What information can I ask for in my survey?+ The survey is intended to collect feedback and input from B.C. citizens in order to provide real data to meet the diverse needs of Ministries. It is important to consult with your appointed lead as your survey questions may be permitted to ask for specific demographic information depending on your Ministry. You must ensure your survey questions abide by the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) developed for your Ministries use of this tool.
Is there any information I cannot ask for in my survey?+ You cannot ask for personal information anywhere in your survey. All survey questions that include a free-text box must have a description reminder to not inadvertently include personal information. Survey responses that do include personal information, inappropriate language, or threats, will be actioned from the Comment Review page appropriately.
What is a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)?+ "A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is a step-by-step review process to make sure you protect the personal information you collect or use in your project" (Government of BC).
Where can I find the Privacy Impact assessment (PIA) for this tool?+ Please contact your appointed lead for a copy of the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA).