Notification Snackbar

The NotificationSnackBar component is a React component that displays a snackbar with an alert message and a color based on the severity. It utilizes the Material-UI (MUI) library for styling and includes features such as auto-hide duration, on-close callback, and responsive width.


The NotificationSnackBar component is designed to display a snackbar with an alert message and a color based on the severity. It takes the following props:

  • snackbarMessage: A string representing the message to display in the alert.
  • snackbarOpen: A boolean indicating whether the snackbar is open or not.
  • snackbarType: A string representing the severity of the alert, which can be one of "error", "warning", "info", or "success".
  • handleSnackbar: A function that takes a boolean parameter and handles the snackbar open state.


The NotificationSnackBar component utilizes Material-UI Snackbar, Alert, and sx components for its structure and styling. It has the following styling specifications:

  • Snackbar: Auto-hide duration of 2000 milliseconds, and on-close callback that calls the handleSnackbar function with false as the argument.
  • Alert: Filled variant, severity based on the snackbarType prop, and width of 100%.

Default Behavior

The NotificationSnackBar component renders a snackbar with an alert message and a color based on the severity, and hides itself after 2000 milliseconds or when the user clicks on the close icon.


import * as React from "react";
import { NotificationSnackBar } from "./NotificationSnackBar"; // Import the NotificationSnackBar component

function App() {
  const [snackbarOpen, setSnackbarOpen] = React.useState(false); // State for snackbar open
  const [snackbarMessage, setSnackbarMessage] = React.useState(""); // State for snackbar message
  const [snackbarType, setSnackbarType] = React.useState("info"); // State for snackbar type

  const handleSnackbar = (status) => {
    setSnackbarOpen(status); // Set the snackbar open state

  const handleClick = () => {
    setSnackbarMessage("Hello, world!"); // Set the snackbar message
    setSnackbarType("success"); // Set the snackbar type
    setSnackbarOpen(true); // Open the snackbar

  return (
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Show Snackbar</button>

export default App;
Contributors: André Lashley