This function extends {describe_na} by applying to it all columns in a data frame using functional programming tools from the purrr package (e.g. map). To obtain a summary of missing values for a single variable in a data frame use describe_na instead. This function is a more efficient way of checking for missing values than using describe_all, which calculates additional summary statistics.

describe_na_all(data, ..., digits = 4, output = c("dt", "tibble"))



A data frame or tibble.


This special argument accepts any number of unquoted grouping variable names (also present in the data source) to use for subsetting, separated by commas, e.g. group_var1, group_var2. Also accepts a character vector of column names or index numbers, e.g. c("group_var1", "group_var2") or c(1, 2), but not a mixture of formats in the same call. If no column names are specified, all columns will be used.


This determines the number of digits used for rounding of the "p_na" column in the output.


Output type for each class of variables. dt" for data.table or "tibble" for tibble.


A tibble or data.table with the following columns in addition to any specified grouping variables:


the total number of cases


number of complete cases


the number of missing values


the proportion of total cases with missing values


Craig P. Hutton,


#>     variable cases  n na p_na
#>  1:      mpg    32 32  0    0
#>  2:      cyl    32 32  0    0
#>  3:     disp    32 32  0    0
#>  4:       hp    32 32  0    0
#>  5:     drat    32 32  0    0
#>  6:       wt    32 32  0    0
#>  7:     qsec    32 32  0    0
#>  8:       vs    32 32  0    0
#>  9:       am    32 32  0    0
#> 10:     gear    32 32  0    0
#> 11:     carb    32 32  0    0