This function extends {describe} by applying to it all columns of the specified class(es) in a data frame using functional programming tools from the purrr package (e.g. map). To obtain a summary of a single variable in a data frame use describe instead.

  class = "all",
  digits = 3,
  type = 2,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  sep = "_",
  output = c("dt", "tibble")



A data frame or tibble.


This special argument accepts any number of unquoted grouping variable names (also present in the data source) to use for subsetting, separated by commas, e.g. group_var1, group_var2. Also accepts a character vector of column names or index numbers, e.g. c("group_var1", "group_var2") or c(1, 2), but not a mixture of formats in the same call. If no column names are specified, all columns will be used.


The variable classes in data that you would like summaries for. Either "all" for all classes, or a character vector indicating which combinations of output classes you want. Specifying a subset will save time since summaries are only processed as needed. Options include "d" for dates, "f" for factors, "c" for character, "l" for logical, and "n" for numeric. If only a single class is requested or present in the data after excluding specified grouping variables, a data frame will be returned, otherwise you'll get a list of data frames (1 per summary class). If the only chosen class of variables is not detected in the input data an error will be returned that the class argument needs to be respecified.


This determines the number of digits used for rounding of numeric outputs.


For numeric and integer vectors this determines the type of skewness and kurtosis calculations to perform. See skewness or skew and kurtosis or kurtosi for details.


This determines whether missing values (NAs) should be removed before attempting to calculate summary statistics.


A character string to use to separate unique values from their counts ("_" by default). Only applicable to factors and character vectors.


Output type for each class of variables. dt" for data.table or "tibble" for tibble.


The output varies as a function of the class of input data/y, referred to as "y" below. Each output type is grouped together in a data frame and returned as a named item of a list, unless there is only one output type, in which case the data frame is returned directly.

For all input variables, the following are returned (part 1):


the total number of cases


number of complete cases


the number of missing values


the proportion of total cases with missing values

In addition to part 1, these measures are provided for dates:


the total number of unique values or levels of y. For dates this tells you how many time points there are


the earliest or minimum date in y


the latest or maximum date in y

In addition to part 1, these measures are provided for factors:


the total number of unique values or levels of y


a logical indicating whether or not y is ordinal


the counts of the top and bottom unique values of y in order of decreasing frequency formatted as "value_count". If there are more than 4 unique values of y, only the top 2 and bottom 2 unique values are shown separated by "...". To get counts for all unique values use counts or counts_tb instead.

In addition to part 1, these measures are provided for character/string vectors:


the total number of unique values or levels of y


the minimum number of characters in the values of y


the maximum number of characters in the values of y


the counts of the top and bottom unique values of y in order of decreasing frequency formatted as "value_count". If there are more than 4 unique values of y, only the top 2 and bottom 2 unique values are shown separated by "...". To get counts for all unique values use counts or counts_tb instead.

In addition to part 1, these measures are provided for logical vectors:


the total number of y values that are TRUE


the total number of y values that are FALSE


the proportion of y values that are TRUE

In addition to part 1, these measures are provided for numeric variables:


the mean of y


the standard deviation of y


the standard error of the mean of y


the 0th percentile (the minimum) of y


the 25th percentile of y


the 50th percentile (the median) of y


the 25th percentile of y


the 100th percentile (the maximum) of y


the skewness of the distribution of y


the kurtosis of the distribution of y

See also


Craig P. Hutton,


#>     variable cases  n na p_na    mean      sd     se     p0     p25     p50
#>  1:      mpg    32 32  0    0  20.091   6.027  1.065 10.400  15.425  19.200
#>  2:      cyl    32 32  0    0   6.188   1.786  0.316  4.000   4.000   6.000
#>  3:     disp    32 32  0    0 230.722 123.939 21.909 71.100 120.825 196.300
#>  4:       hp    32 32  0    0 146.688  68.563 12.120 52.000  96.500 123.000
#>  5:     drat    32 32  0    0   3.597   0.535  0.095  2.760   3.080   3.695
#>  6:       wt    32 32  0    0   3.217   0.978  0.173  1.513   2.581   3.325
#>  7:     qsec    32 32  0    0  17.849   1.787  0.316 14.500  16.892  17.710
#>  8:       vs    32 32  0    0   0.438   0.504  0.089  0.000   0.000   0.000
#>  9:       am    32 32  0    0   0.406   0.499  0.088  0.000   0.000   0.000
#> 10:     gear    32 32  0    0   3.688   0.738  0.130  3.000   3.000   4.000
#> 11:     carb    32 32  0    0   2.812   1.615  0.286  1.000   2.000   2.000
#>        p75    p100   skew   kurt
#>  1:  22.80  33.900  0.672 -0.022
#>  2:   8.00   8.000 -0.192 -1.763
#>  3: 326.00 472.000  0.420 -1.068
#>  4: 180.00 335.000  0.799  0.275
#>  5:   3.92   4.930  0.293 -0.450
#>  6:   3.61   5.424  0.466  0.417
#>  7:  18.90  22.900  0.406  0.865
#>  8:   1.00   1.000  0.265 -2.063
#>  9:   1.00   1.000  0.401 -1.967
#> 10:   4.00   5.000  0.582 -0.895
#> 11:   4.00   8.000  1.157  2.020

if (FALSE) {
describe_all(pdata) #all summary types in a list

#numeric summary only
describe_all(pdata, high_low, output = "dt", class = "n")

#numeric and logical summaries only
describe_all(pdata, high_low, output = "dt", class = c("n", "l"))